
How many droids can a Jedi kill?

How many droids can a Jedi kill?

, currently in an anime club. Average jedi knight i say eguals to 200 hundred battle droids and high level master eguals 500 droids.

How did Jedi not sense Order 66?

Though the Jedi can use the Force to sense danger, they couldn’t foresee Order 66 because their judgement was clouded by their hypocrisy. They were arrogant, hypocrites and self-righteous.

How did the clones know not to kill Anakin during Order 66?

If Anakin had not turned, and order 66 was executed anyway, having all the Jedi killed would have made it easier to convert Anakin to the dark side. Presumably Palpatine planned to have Anakin join him at that point and so told the clones not to kill him when he gave out Order 66.

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How many droids has Mace Windu killed?

The two Jedi confront an army of battle droids, and Windu speaks to them. In offering them a chance to defect, he mentions he has destroyed over 100,000 of them throughout the war.

Did Order 66 fail?

Although Order 66 was mostly a success, it was not 100\%. From the official canon, we know about at least a few clone troopers who were able to stop themselves from killing the Jedi Knights and Masters who oversaw them.

Did the 501st participate in Order 66?

The 501st served under CC-1119 “Appo,” who was originally a Clone Sergeant but was promoted on the issuing of Order 66, in addition to Vader.

How do you kill the traitor Jedi from Order 66?

Killing traitor Jedi from Order 66 is just like killing the CIS droids, doing the mission. Inside a clones head it would be like “Take out the priority targets (droids here), take out the priority targets (droids there), take out the priority targets (traitor commander in front)”

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Why don’t Jedi kill people?

Jedi beliefs – Peace loving Jedi, trained to be ambassadors and enforces of peace, would hesitate to kill living beings. Not all Jedi are master combatants – a lot of Jedi died in the initial attack on Geonosis against the droids.

How did the clones beat the Jedi in Clone Wars?

They were given extensive training on battle tactics, survival, and were given a front row seat to observe the Jedi’s fighting style and analyze it for weaknesses for however long the Clone Wars was. They have the training, equipment, and numbers to take down the Jedi, and surprise. The Jedi trusted their clones.

Are there any force sensitive droids in the Star Wars canon?

To the best of my knowledge, no Force-sensitive droids have been mentioned in canon, let alone Jedi or Sith droids. In Legends, there is Skippy the Jedi Droid, but he was non-canon even back in the old EU days. As to whether it’s possible for a droid to be Force-sensitive, we can’t be sure.