
How many days IELTS exam is conducted?

How many days IELTS exam is conducted?

The IELTS Academic exam is available on all 48 dates. IELTS exams are usually held on Thursdays and Saturdays. IELTS Listening, Reading, and Writing tests take place on the same day whereas either the IELTS Speaking test is conducted 7 days before or 7 days after your test date.

Is the IELTS Exam 2 days?

IELTS assesses your ability to understand English; the IELTS test comprises of four components Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The total duration of the test is 2 hours and 45 minutes and your Listening, Reading and Writing tests will be conducted on the same day, without any breaks.

How many days does it take to complete the IELTS test?

For completing the IELTS test nearly it takes two days. It is not possible to complete the test in one day. Ielts test consists four modules they are Reading, Writing, Listening ans Speaking.

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What comes first IELTS listening or speaking?

You will take the Listening test first, followed by the Reading and Writing tests (there are no breaks between these tests). Your Speaking test will be held either on the same day or seven days before or two days after that, depending on local arrangements. What accents can be heard in the IELTS Listening and Speaking tests?

How many modulas are there in the IELTS exam?

Generally,in India, IELTS exam Conduct on two different day and in a day (date which you book at time of registration) there is a test of three modulas (Listening, Reading , Writing ).In addition,on another day before or after the LRW test (usually 2 or 3 days) speaking is arrange. , overall 8 band. L, R -8.5, S-8, W-7

What is the total test time for the English language test?

The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. you’ll take the first three sections of the test on the same day, in the following order: Listening, Reading and Writing (there are no breaks between these tests). Your Speaking test will be held either on the same day or seven days before or two days after that, depending on local arrangements.