
How many celestials can Galactus beat?

How many celestials can Galactus beat?

2 GALACTUS Galactus devoured four (count ’em, four) planets and took on four Mad Celestials, destroying one of them in the process.

Can celestials Beat Galactus?

Originally Answered: Can Galactus beat the Celestials? Yes. At least any individual Celestial. As a group, they may be able to over-power him, but Galactus is one of a very few Truly Immortal beings in the Marvel Universe.

Can one above all beat Galactus?

2 MORE POWERFUL: The One-Above-All As his name implies, the One-Above-All is basically the God of the Marvel Universe. No one or no weapon is more powerful than him. Not the Living Tribunal, not the Infinity Gauntlet, and not Galactus – no matter how many planets he eats.

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Is Galactus a variant of Kang?

However, one variant of the villain came close to wiping out the entire multiverse. One variant of Kang — introduced in Exiles #2 by Saladin Ahmed and Javier Rodriguez — was able to kill and weaponize Galactus to become Kang the Time-Eater.

Can the Silver Surfer defeat Galactus?

However, Galactus could take the Surfer’s power away, and Silver Surfer has defeated Galactus in the past. But only after refusing to find him planets to consume, leaving him starving and weakened.

Which Marvel character can defeat Galactus?

15 Marvel Characters Who Could Defeat Galactus In Seconds 1 Any Character Wielding The Infinity Gauntlet. 2 Mr. Fantastic. 3 The Phoenix Force. 4 The Marvel Zombies. 5 Silver Surfer. 6 Squirrel Girl. 7 The Living Tribunal. 8 The Scarlet Witch. 9 Mad Jim Jaspers. 10 Doctor Strange.

How powerful is Galactus in the MCU?

It can send a sun into supernova. With this large amount of power and being one of the higher ranked celestials, he can pretty much eliminate any opposition to the natural order, and if that means taking Galactus out to pasture and sending him the way of Old Yeller, then so be it.

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Can the Phoenix Force kill Galactus?

The Phoenix Force is immortal and indestructible and I don’t know what else I need to say to convince you that it can kill Galactus. It is the physical embodiment of psionic energy and is most famously associated with the X-Men’s Jean Grey. It represents life that has not yet been born and even overtook several members of the X-Men.