
How long does it take to go from chubby to skinny?

How long does it take to go from chubby to skinny?

The time it takes for you to see and for others to notice weight loss results can vary significantly from person to person. Many factors, including your starting size and your eating plan, can make a big difference. In general, however, many people can see results in one to two weeks when they stick to their plan.

How do you feel after losing weight?

Weight loss doesn’t just make your body feel good. It boosts your mood and mental health. In a study of obese older adults, 3 months after a significant weight loss, they reported less tension, depression, anger, and fatigue. And it went both ways.

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What does it feel like to be fat?

Being fat pretty much sucks all the way around. Tired. I never felt like I had any energy. My world was limited by how far I could go or how long I could keep on keeping on, and it wasn’t very far. Sitting down, lying down, taking a nap even, sounded like a good idea more often than not.

What does it mean to be skinny if you have skin?

You are skinny if you have thin skin with little or no visible fat underneath (subcutaneous fat) When you take a pinch size of your skin, you’ll find out there’s a layer just beneath it. This layer adds to the thickness of your skin.

What does it feel like to lose 200 pounds without a gimmick?

This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Chad Deets. I have maintained a gimmick-free 200-pound weight loss for 7 years. Overall, it feels pretty awesome. Like anything, it’s an adjustment, but in good ways. It teaches you so much about yourself.

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What is the mental aspect of being fat?

The mental aspect deals with how you feel being fat as well as what you think about that keeps you fat. Emotionally, it hurts when people stare at you while you are eating. It’s depressing to look in the mirror or to see yourself in pictures. It’s frustrating if you used to be a normal size and once you are fat, you