
How long does it take for a child to recover from tonsil surgery?

How long does it take for a child to recover from tonsil surgery?

It takes most children 7 to 10 days to recover from a tonsillectomy. Some children feel better in just a few days and some children take as many as 14 days to recover.

How serious is tonsil removal?

Serious, long-term problems are rare, though general anesthesia is not without the risk of death. Swelling. Swelling of the tongue and soft roof of the mouth (soft palate) can cause breathing problems, particularly during the first few hours after the procedure. Bleeding during surgery.

Is tonsil removal a major operation?

A tonsillectomy is a common but major surgery with serious risks and potential complications. You may have less invasive treatment options.

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How do you take care of a child after a tonsillectomy?

6 Tips for Caring for a Child After Tonsillectomy

  1. Stay on top of your child’s pain.
  2. Encourage fluids and soft foods.
  3. Recognize the normal side effects of surgery.
  4. Keep an eye on your kid’s activity level.
  5. Know when to call the doctor.
  6. Follow up after a tonsillectomy.

Why did I get my tonsils removed as a kid?

Kids usually have a tonsillectomy because: Their tonsils are so big they block the airway and make it hard to breathe. Swollen tonsils can make it hard to breathe, especially during sleep. A child might snore and stop breathing for short periods while asleep when the tonsils get in the way.

Are you put to sleep for tonsil removal?

The surgery will be performed under general anesthesia while you are sleeping. The surgery usually takes 20 to 30 minutes. You will not feel any pain while the doctor is removing the tonsils.

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Do you swallow the scabs after a tonsillectomy?

The scabs usually fall off in small pieces. There may also be a small amount of bleeding. Most people swallow the scabs, often without realizing. Recovery from a tonsillectomy can take 10–14 days.

What’s the worst day after tonsillectomy?

Anecdotal evidence from several ENT departments suggests that pain following tonsillectomy is worst on the second and/or third days after surgery.

Is it better to have your tonsils removed as a child?

Children are less likely to have bleeding problems after their tonsils are removed. Adults tend to have more pain after surgery. This may be because adults try to do too much too soon after surgery. They may not follow the rest and recovery instructions as a parent would make a child.

What are the risks of having your tonsils taken out?

A 2014 report found that 1 in 5 adults who had their tonsils taken out had some kind of problem afterward. These included: Infection. This is rare, but it’s a small risk with most surgeries. Too much bleeding from the wound (hemorrhaging). It’s rare. You may also have bleeding as you heal.

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How long does a sore throat last after a tonsillectomy?

Adults who have the surgery typically have had several sore throats over the past 1 to 3 years or have had a sore throat and swollen tonsils caused by infection for at least 3 months. Your sore throat might get better with antibiotics, but it comes back as soon as you’re done with the treatment.

How common are tonsillectomies today?

Twenty-five percent of all tonsillectomies are still done to treat chronic sore throats, although doctors are less likely to remove tonsils for this reason than they used to because most infections can be easily treated with antibiotics. “Thirty years ago, doctors were quick to opt for surgery.