
How long do braces last if you have an overbite?

How long do braces last if you have an overbite?

Since every person’s condition is unique, there is no hard and fast rule for how long braces treatment will be for an overbite. Usually, treatment can last anywhere between six months and two years. Severe overbite cases often require more time as they are commonly combined with other dental problems like overcrowding.

Can you have braces for 4 years?

The average orthodontic treatment plan is anywhere from 18 months to three years. It’s different for everyone, but anything beyond a four-year treatment plan warrants getting second, third and fourth opinions.

How long do you have to wear braces for an overbite?

The patient is likely to have crooked teeth or overcrowding so there are multiple problems to work on. Every case is different but for severe overbite cases braces could be needed for at least two years. Once the braces come off, a retainer is worn to keep the teeth in place.

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Can I get my braces off after 5 years of braces?

If you are still seeing the orthodontist for treatments ask they should be able to advise you. If you are wondering abou why someone else is still wearing braces after 5 years that’s easy. The only way to get your braces off is by the Orthodontist that put them on. Of course you must also have paid off the treatment plan.

Can Invisalign correct my overbites?

Minor or moderate overbites may be corrected with an aligner, such as the Invisalign braces. Very severe gaps between the upper and lower teeth that are caused by misalignment of the jaw bones may require surgery, as well as braces.

What is the best treatment for an overbite?

Traditional braces are the most commonly used treatment for this condition. Minor or moderate overbites may be corrected with an aligner, such as the Invisalign braces. Very severe gaps between the upper and lower teeth that are caused by misalignment of the jaw bones may require surgery, as well as braces. Last medically reviewed on July 27, 2020