Tips and tricks

How long did Romilly wait?

How long did Romilly wait?

23 years
7. How is Romilly (David Gyasi), who waited 23 years for Cooper and Brand (Anne Hathaway) to get back to the ship, not totally insane? He took a couple sleep breaks but clearly spent well over a decade alone.

Where did Romilly go interstellar?

On Mann, Romilly was killed in an explosion caused by Dr. Mann while accessing KIPP’s archive; which contained the true data of the planet. TARS escaped the explosion and was able to rejoin the rest of the crew in the lander.

Is hibernation in interstellar possible?

Hypersleep pods, as long as they have power, are capable of preserving its occupants and reanimating them even after a period of 35 years. But the upper limit of the technology, how long the pods can reanimate a body without serious mental and physical side-effects is currently unknown.

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Did Romilly wait 23 years?

It is stated in Interstellar that each one hour spent on Miller’s Planet equals seven years earth time. Cooper and his colleagues spend some time on the planet, and by the time they return, Romilly says that he has been waiting for 23 years, which means they must have spend three hours on the planet (highly doubted).

Do you age in Hypersleep?

One of the central conceits is that hypersleep massively retards the aging process. A year in hypersleep is equivalent to centuries in realtime. At the end of Alien, Ripley enters one of these pods and enters a state of cryogenic suspension. This is how she is able to survive 50+ years without (much) visible aging.

How does hyper sleep work?

The Hypersleep Chamber is a tube like chamber in which a person is cryogenically frozen (a process commonly known as “Hypersleep”). When in these Hypersleep Chambers, the users are usually clad in either sleepwear or underwear to prevent clothes and/or armor to become frozen to the users body.

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How long was Cooper in space in Interstellar?

2 years
Ok, now follow a few steps. Murph was 10 years old when Cooper left. Cooper traveled for 2 years to the wormhole and subsequently lost 23 years in gravitational time dilation on Miller’s planet. When he returns to the Endurance he receives Murph’s message that she is now the same age as Cooper when he departed.