
How long can a U.S. citizen stay out of the country?

How long can a U.S. citizen stay out of the country?

International Travel U.S. Immigration law assumes that a person admitted to the United States as an immigrant will live in the United States permanently. Remaining outside the United States for more than 12 months may result in a loss of lawful permanent resident status.

How does a person from another country become a United States citizen?

You can become a U.S. citizen by birth or through naturalization. Generally, people are born U.S. citizens if they are born in the United States or if they are born abroad to U.S. citizens. You may also derive U.S. citizenship as a minor following the naturalization of one or both parents.

How do I get my marriage certificate if I live abroad?

If you are already abroad, you may wish to consult with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. If you get married abroad and need to know if your marriage will be recognized in the United States and what documentation may be needed, contact the office of the Attorney General of your state of residence in the United States.

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Is it hard to start a new life abroad?

Depending on your citizenship and personal circumstances, starting a new life abroad can be overwhelming. In the months leading up to our big move, we were both working demanding jobs. All of our free time was spent researching relocation expenses, downsizing our belongings, filing for visas, and a million other tasks.

Can I get a US mortgage if I live abroad?

Getting a US mortgage as a US expat living abroad can allow you to continue to invest in property Assets will need to be converted and deposited in a US bank prior to closing, and a full credit report will be run. If there is not enough credit to qualify the traditional way, then we are able to look at alternative credit profiles.

How to get a visa for a foreign spouse in USA?

If you get married abroad and need to know if your marriage will be recognized in the United States and what documentation may be needed, contact the office of the Attorney General of your state of residence in the United States. You can get information on obtaining a visa for a foreign spouse here.