
How is Upapada Lagna calculated?

How is Upapada Lagna calculated?

To calculate Upapada Lagna, we consider the 12th house and 12th lord position. Now, what 12th house has to do with Marriage? 12th house is house of isolation. So, in a way, it is a house of living a single life.

How is Chara Dasha calculated?

Chara Dasha Calculation: Dasha Length While counting when a planet is encountered that is in its own sign the duration is of 12 years. Once the count reaches the lord of the Rashi we subtract one. So, for example, for Cancer Dasha, we count backwards to the placement of the Moon and then subtract 1.

Which is Upapada lagna?

Another important lagna which is considered in Vedic Astrology is Upapada Lagna. This Lagna is used to see the traits and characteristics of your to-be Spouse. There are few different ways to calculate Upapada Lagna, as per different systems of Astrology, the one I am covering here is House Wise.

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What is jaimini Dasha?

There are many Dasha systems such as the Vimshottari Dasha, Chara Dasha, Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha etc that are in use. A Dasha is a time period in which a particular planet or Rashi dominates a person’s life.

What is Jaimini System of Hindu astrology?

April 11, 2016 By Sachin Malhotra. Jaimini is one of the most intricate system of Hindu astrology. The Jaimini system or Jaimini Jyotish marks a significant departure from the canons of Parashari which is the most popular and preferred system of horoscope reading among Vedic astrologers in India.

What is Jaimini Jyotish?

Jaimini is one of the most intricate system of Hindu astrology. The Jaimini system or Jaimini Jyotish marks a significant departure from the canons of Parashari which is the most popular and preferred system of horoscope reading among Vedic astrologers in India.

Which is the best book on Jaimini Sutra in English?

Jaimini Sutras by B.Suryanarain Rao: This is the oldest commentary of Jaimini Sutras in English. This book was written by the grandfather of Dr.B.V. Raman. In the present edition notes has been given by Dr. B.V. Raman to explain the Sutras of 2 chapters of Jaimini. However, this book don’t contain much practical case studies.

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Who is the king of Rashi dashas in Jaimini System?

The Chara dasha is the king of Rashi dashas in Jaimini as Vimshottari is the king of Nakshatra dasha in Parashari system. In this book Shri K.N. Rao has also discuss about some of the abstruseness in the translations of Jaimini system available to us.