
How is the road from Lucknow to Moradabad?

How is the road from Lucknow to Moradabad?

Distance Between Lucknow to Moradabad

Distance between Lucknow to Moradabad by Road is 356 Kms
Travel Time from Lucknow to Moradabad by Road is 6:26 hrs
Nearest Airport in Lucknow Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport (26.85, 80.95)
Nearest Airport in Moradabad Pantnagar (28.84, 78.77)

Which road is best for Lucknow to Varanasi?

National Highway 56, Lucknow to Varanasi Road Map.

Is it safe to drive from Delhi to Lucknow?

It is always advisable to begin such road trips in the early hours in Delhi to avoid traffic jams. Here is Delhi to Lucknow expressway Route: The distance between the two cities has reduced significantly with the opening of the Yamuna Expressway.

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Which airport is near to Moradabad?

Indira Gandhi International Airport
Nearest Airport: Pantnagar Airport and Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi are located 85 km and 185 km away respectively from Moradabad.

How is Moradabad city Quora?

Moradabad is a major industrial city and export hub. Its handicrafts industry accounts for more than 40\% of total handicraft exports from India. In October 2014, Livemint included Moradabad in its list of “25 Emerging Cities To Watch Out For In 2025”.

Which route is best for Varanasi?

While you can take any of the two routes, we recommend Route 1 Via NH 19.

Is Taj Expressway safe at night?

In terms of general safety, we would advise people to avoid travelling at night as there aren’t many people around. During the day, there’s construction happening all along the expressway so there are enough people all the time.

How much time does it take to reach Delhi from Lucknow by car?

Distance Between Lucknow to Delhi

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Distance between Lucknow to Delhi by Road is 528 Kms
Travel Time from Lucknow to Delhi by Road is 5:54 hrs
Nearest Airport in Lucknow Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport (26.85, 80.95)
Nearest Airport in Delhi Indira Gandhi (28.61, 77.21)

How long does it take to drive from Lucknow to Moradabad?

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) to Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh) driving directions for the distance of 357 kilometers. It will take at least 6 hours 42 minutes by road and will cost you at least 1785 of fuel! It’s gonna be warm and sunny, and did I mention warm?

How to reach Nainital from Moradabad?

If you are coming from Delhi, you dont need to come this far to go to Nainital, you can just take a U turn from Moradabad and take Moradabad – Bazpur – Kaladhungi road. Anway, after Rampur, just keep yourself on NH24 and the next big town is Bareilly.

How to go from Delhi to Lucknow by road?

Delhi is connected to Lucknow via the National Highway – 24 and here is a snapshot of its path. As with my all road-reviews, we can divide this stretch into following sections. 1. Getting out of Delhi. Starting on NH24.

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Is the Gajraula – Moradabad bypass good or bad?

Gajraula – Moradabad bypass is good and bad. Good because the new double road is really well made and one can zip fast w/o worry but bad because its not completely done. There are many small kasbas/villages/towns and the plan is to have a fly-over at each of these places, the reality is that these flyovers are not done.