
How is the direction of current in a motor reversed?

How is the direction of current in a motor reversed?

In order to reverse the direction of an AC motor, the magnetic fields must be altered to provoke movement in the opposite direction. Since each wire consists of a positive and negative current within the magnetic fields, the flip-flopping of main and starter wires causes the motor to run in reverse rotation.

What will be the effect on the direction of a DC shunt motor if the supply terminal are reversed?

What will happen if the the supply terminals are reversed in case of a DC shunt motor? The motor will run in reverse direction. The motor will run at its normal speed in the same direction as before.

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What will happen if field current and armature current are reversed?

Explanation: When both field current and armature current are reversed then the direction will not change.

Why is the direction of rotation not affected by changing the supply voltage terminal?

In DC motors, if either of field or armature terminals are changed singly, then direction of rotation changes. Here, by changing the supply terminals, both shunt and armature terminals get reversed simultaneously, hence direction of rotation remain unchanged.

What is the direction of current in motor?

Hint: For AC motors, the current flowing through the electromagnet and the current flowing through the coil both reverse, exactly in step, so the force on the coil is always in the same direction and the motor always spins either clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Can You reverse the direction of a DC motor?

A permanent magnet motor, such as a model train locomotive and some automobile accessories, will reverse direction. DC motors with a field WINDING will not change direction if the overall supply is reversed; to reverse these motors, you must reverse the relationship of the field coils to the brushes feeding the armature through the brushes.

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Why does a motor continue to rotate in the same direction?

If it is a wound-field motor, it will continue to rotate in the same direction. This is because the direction of the magnetic field in both the armature and field windings reverse, and so remain in the same direction relative to each other.

How do you reverse the direction of torque and speed?

From Equation (1), it is clear that the direction of the torque and the speed can be reversed by changing the direction of either the field current or armature current by changing the polarity of the DC voltage. However, this method is used for separately excited DC motor where it is possible to change the polarity of the field or armature.