
How is 98.2 percentile in JEE mains?

How is 98.2 percentile in JEE mains?

98.2 percentile will fetch you nearly 15000 general rank and 3000 category rank.

Is 17th percentile good in JEE?

17 percentile is not enough to get admission in good engineering colleges.

Is 11 percentile good in JEE mains?

Answer. Hi. If you have scored 11 marks in Jee Mains then your percentile should be in the range of 13.49 – 33.23.

How many percentile is 45 in JEE mains?

After scoring 45 marks in JEE, your percentile would be around 64 to 74.

Is there a rank predictor for JEE Mains 2021?

With easy exam having higher JEE Main cutoff and tougher exam having lower cutoff, JEE Main 2021 exam analysis has also been taken into consideration while preparing the rank predictor. We also have JEE Main College Predictor to predict tentative colleges a student may get based on their ranks predicted by JEE Main 2021 rank predictor.

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What is the All India Rank (AIR) of JEE Main?

The All India Rank (AIR) of JEE Main is prepared as per the course in which a particular candidate has appeared. It is released according to the candidate’s category. AIR is released for the following categories: The raw marks obtained by the candidates in different sessions / shifts are converted into NTA score.

How is the rank determined using percentile scores in JEE Main?

It is in this manner, the authorities calculate the JEE Main percentile scores and determine the ranks. Basically, your Percentile Score indicates the percentage of students who secured less than or equal to the raw score obtained by you. JEE Main Percentile Vs Rank 2021: How Is The Rank Determined Using Percentile Scores?

Can I give JEE Main 2022 if I passed 12th in 2021?

Yes, you are eligible for both JEE main and advanced 2022 with 2021 as your 12th board passing year. One can give JEE Mains entrance examination for a maximum of 3 consecutive years starting from the year of appearing 12th board examination. your year of appearing for 12th board examination is 2021.