
How intelligent is the Hulk?

How intelligent is the Hulk?

At times, Hulk has Bruce Banner’s high level genius IQ, at others he has normal non-genius intelligence. But most of the time, when he is in his “Hulk smash puny man!” mode, it is a lot lower. On the classic scale, 90–110 is normal and anything below 70 indicates a mental handicap.

Is GREY Hulk good or bad?

In the Peter David run, the Grey Hulk retained the mind of Bruce Banner. He was not as powerful as the Green Hulk, but much more dangerous, because he had the intelligence as well as the strength.

How many incarnations of Hulk are there?

Bruce Banner. In the comics, the Green Goliath has gone through various incarnations over the decades. Though his raging green persona of the Incredible Hulk is most popular, there are actually 12 powerful incarnations of him.

Who is the smartest Hulk?

A 19-year-old Korean American genius and one of the smartest people on Earth, Cho succeeded Bruce Banner as the Hulk in The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 (2015)….

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Amadeus Cho
Notable aliases Mastermind Excello, Prince of Power, Hulk, Brawn

Is there a Red Hulk?

General Thaddeus E. “Thunderbolt” Ross (also known as the Red Hulk) is a fictional character who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics featuring the Hulk.

What are all the incarnations of the Hulk?

List of Hulk incarnations 1 Grey Hulk. “Joe Fixit” is a Grey Hulk (not the original) that worked for a time as a Las Vegas enforcer. 2 Savage Hulk. 3 Mindless Hulk. 4 Devil Hulk. 5 Merged/Professor Hulk. 6 The Maestro Hulk. 7 Guilt Hulk. 8 World Breaker Hulk. 9 Doc Green.

What is the IQ of the Hulk?

At times, Hulk has Bruce Banner’s high level genius IQ, at others he has normal non-genius intelligence. But most of the time, when he is in his “Hulk smash puny man!” mode, it is a lot lower. On the classic scale, 90–110 is normal and anything below 70 indicates a mental handicap.

What is the weakest version of the Hulk?

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The very first incarnation, the Gray Hulk was created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Paul Reinman. Quite different from the one we’ve been accustomed to, this version is the weakest incarnation. 11. The Professor Bruce Banner’s most desired version of the raging green monster, the Professor is actually an entirely new split personality.

What is the difference between Immortan Hulk and Merged Hulk?

Immortal Hulk is the result of Bruce Banner and the Hulk having been through different deaths and rebirths, allowing the Devil Hulk to seal the other incarnations away and become the dominant Hulk persona. The Merged Hulk is the merger of Banner and the Savage and Grey Hulks.