Tips and tricks

How far away should you be from a WiFi router?

How far away should you be from a WiFi router?

The minimum safe distance as shown in our video, is between 15 to 20 feet. The Austrian Medical Association, The International Institute of Building Biologists, The BioInitiative Report and The FCC all have exposure guidelines.

How close is too close to a router?

Walking to your car after work, if the rain isn’t so heavy that you’re almost drowning, subjects you to far more, and far more dangerous, radiation than 24 hours at 30cm from a wifi router does. Even in light rain you’re exposed to some UV radiation. UVB is ionizing, and that’s dangerous. Even UVA can cause cataracts.

Is it safe to sit near WiFi router?

It isn’t harmful at all to sit near a WiFi source, even for extended periods. WiFi, much like other forms of communication such as satellite and cellular networks, uses non-ionizing radiation, which hasn’t been found harmful to tissues yet.

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How far should router be from bed?

A general guideline is that a safe distance from a WiFi router is around 25-35 feet depending on the power levels of the router. As you get further away from a source of EMF or RF radiation, you also dramatically reduce your exposure to its effects. This is due to something called the inverse square law of physics.

Is being too close to a router bad?

Working with a wireless device too close to the router can have a detrimental affect on performance. The signal may be too strong and distorted causing data corruption and retransmissions which will slow down the performance considerably.

Is it OK to sleep near a router?

It is safe to sleep next to a wireless router as it produces radio waves that, unlike X-rays or gamma rays, do not break chemical bonds or cause ionisation in humans. These waves also deteriorate rapidly, losing their strength as they travel away from the router.

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Can you move your router anywhere?

In most cases, you can move your modem to another room. The exception is if your cable or DSL internet installer ran a new line to your house and only connected it to one room. If that’s the case, you need to leave your modem in that room.

Does router placement matter?

Routers send the signal out in all directions, so if it’s left in the corner of your home, a significant percentage of your wireless coverage is being sent outside your home. It’s best to move the router to a central location to optimize the signal. But the improved wireless coverage will be worth it.

How far away is it safe to sit from a router?

As soon as you have a reading below 350 micro-watts per square centimeter, you are at a safe distance. However, it never hurts to go a bit further in distance either. The further you go, the safer the distance is between yourself and the router radiation.

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How far should I be from my Neighbor’s WiFi router?

You may be in the place that is the farthest possible distance from the router in your house, but less than 20 feet from your neighbor’s router. Again this is why getting your own meter is so important.

How far away from a WiFi router is safe to sleep?

Even though there isn’t a set distance, it’s recommended that you don’t sit or sleep within a meter or two distance away from a router. Exposure to the WiFi signals for a long time can have a harmful effect, though it would have to be for a very long period of time.

Is it safe to be close to a WiFi router?

There is a device, based on the principles of the Faraday cage, that will block 90\% to 95\% of the RF Radiation that is emitted from a WiFi Router. This greatly reduces the distance you have to be from a WiFi Router to be safe. Again you will want to test yourself as always.