
How easy is it to find work in Spain?

How easy is it to find work in Spain?

Spain, along with Greece and Portugal, is one of the countries with the lowest rates of available jobs. However, sectors where you’re most likely to find opportunities include the services sector, IT, engineering, finance, and healthcare.

Can I find a job in Spain as a foreigner?

EU nationals are free to work and live in Spain without restrictions. If you are a non-EU national, you will need a work and residence visa to work in the country. Requirements for this include a job contract with a Spanish employer as well as other necessary documents.

What kind of jobs can I get in Spain?

If you plan to move, here’s our list of the most popular, in-demand jobs in Spain for expats.

  • Business Consultant Jobs in Spain for Foreigners.
  • IT Jobs for Americans in Spain.
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Jobs.
  • Medical Practitioner Jobs for Expats.
  • Tourism and Hospitality Jobs in Spain for Americans.
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Is it hard to find a job in Spain?

What is true: Is it impossible to get a job in Spain? Well, no. But it is impossible, it seems, to make big bucks unless you become self-employed, called autónomo. Average salaries in Spain are still below the rest of Europe (though this balances out somewhat with the reasonable cost of living).

What documents do I need to work in Spain?

The documents you must present when applying for the authorisation are as follows:

  • Copy of your passport.
  • Certificate of criminal records.
  • Official medical certificate.
  • 3 passport photographs.
  • Fiscal registration number (NIE or CIF) and the employer’s Social Security registration number.

How can I legally live in Spain?

You must be a non-EU citizen over 18 years of age, with no criminal record. You have to obtain private health insurance and must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family in Spain. The income requirement is for twice the IPREM (a salary index used for various grants and allowances).

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Is it possible to find a job in Spain?

If you’re looking for jobs in Spain, it may seem that there are only a handful of suitable jobs and an awful lot of job-seekers, especially if you’re limited to jobs in Spain for English-speakers. But it is possible to find a job in Spain if you know where to look for work.

How to find work in Spain as an American citizen?

Catering, restaurant, hotel, and bartending jobs are an excellent option for Americans looking for work in Spain. You’ll have the best chance of finding this type of work in the major tourist destinations, such as the cities of Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville. English Teaching Jobs in Spain for International Citizens

Where to work in Spain for temporary and permanent jobs?

Besides some agencies listed above for specialist professions, another private employment agency offering temporary and permanent work is Adecco. Although Spanish national, regional and provincial newspapers advertise job vacancies daily, most jobs are in the Sunday editions.

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What are the most in-demand jobs for expats in Spain?

If you plan to move to Spain, here’s our list of the most popular, in-demand jobs for expats. There are many multinational companies located in Spain, and business consultants are often in need. In the finance sector, you can find work as a consultant, as a collections manager, or as an international financial director.