
How does the fossil record best support the theory of evolution?

How does the fossil record best support the theory of evolution?

Fossils are important evidence for evolution because they show that life on earth was once different from life found on earth today. Paleontologists can determine the age of fossils using methods like radiometric dating and categorize them to determine the evolutionary relationships between organisms.

Which is the best description of the theory of evolution?

In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species? are related and gradually change over time.

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How is the fossil record potentially evidence of evolution?

How does fossil evidence support the theory of evolution quizlet?

The fossil record supports evolution by showing the changes in different species over time. One species could adapt to the environment they are in so that it is better suited to that environment. Over time this original species could have branched off into many other species.

How did fossil records support Darwin’s theory?

The fossil record that shows that the simpler fossils are generally found deeper in the earth supports Darwin’s concept that life has progressed from the simple to the complex. In general the fossil record supports the concept of life progressing from the simple to the complex.

Which observation best illustrates the importance of the theory of evolution in the field of medicine?

Which observation best illustrates the importance of the theory of evolution in the field of medicine? Organisms in Petri dish D have a mutation that allows them to survive treatment with medication. Why was natural selection an important contribution to the theory of evolution?

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How do fossils best support the theory of common descent?

How do fossils support the theory of common descent? They contain complete DNA genomes, so they can be compared to modern organisms. They are a record of some intermediate types of organisms that document the process of evolution. They can be easily and precisely dated by comparing the rock layers where they are found.

How do transitional fossils best serve as evidence for evolution quizlet?

This supports evolutionary theory because transition fossils are specific fossils that show the species from each time period. They have different ancestors but because of natural selection they have all evolved to have similar traits.

Which statement best describes how the fossil record supports the theory?

It best describes how the fossil record supports the theory of evolution. By dating fossils and comparing them to other fossils, we can piece together the general path that evolution took, and determine when certain features appeared.

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What is the most important piece of evidence for evolution?

Fossils and Converging Evidence. That the fossil record, in general, suggests evolution is certainly an important piece of evidence, but it becomes even more telling when it is combined with other evidence for evolution.

What does the fossil record reveal about intermediates that link species?

The fossil record reveals intermediates that link different species. All the offspring will have normal webbing. Nice work! You just studied 10 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode.

Does the fossil record show the same order of development?

In fact, the fossil record does show the same order of development. In general, the fossil record is consistent with the developmental order suggested by looking at the characteristics of living species.