How does Tartuffe manipulate Orgon?

How does Tartuffe manipulate Orgon?

When conflict comes into play, Tartuffe becomes the voice of reason and this grants him more control. When Orgon is told that Tartuffe was caught expressing his feelings to Orgon’s wife, Orgon believed that that was a lie. He did not believe his son and believed Tartuffe instead.

Why is Tartuffe so important to Orgon?

Tartuffe was a poor peasant before he came into Orgon’s house. On the contrary, Orgon was of significant possession as a merchant and the king server, which, thus, incentivized Tartuffe to approach Orgon in an effort to escape his poverty.

How does Orgon feel about Tartuffe?

Orgon believes Tartuffe to be modest and have exemplary character, beginning when he hears Tartuffe say, “I am not worthy. I do not deserve your gifts or pity. I am here to serve” (1.5: 52-54). Orgon becomes infatuated with Tartuffe and invites him to move into his home.

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Why does Tartuffe find it so easy to exploit?

Orgon is Moliere’s representation of how a man can be so blind in his devotion to a belief that he cannot make accurate judgment as to the sincerity of others who would use that belief to deceive him. Tartuffe easily achieves total power over Orgon’s actions because of his gullibility.

What happens to Orgon in Tartuffe?

Finally convinced of Tartuffe’s hypocrisy, Orgon emerges and orders him from the household. Tartuffe then reveals that legally he is now the owner of the house, since Orgon has signed over all his property.

How is Orgon a hypocrite in Tartuffe?

A middle class landowner who served the King of France well in a recent civil war, Orgon makes the mistake of placing his trust in the devious, hypocritical Tartuffe. Throughout the play, Orgon bullies his daughter Mariane, disowns his son Damis, and neglects his wife Elmire because of Tartuffe’s negative influence.

Why does Orgon invite Tartuffe into his home?

Tartuffe had no house, no money and no property at all, but he looked so sincerely religious and enlightened, that Orgon immediately believed Tartuffe is a living saint. He invites Tartuffe into his home, where the scoundrel immediately feels too free and starts hypocritically shaming others, trying to make them obey.

Why does Orgon allow Tartuffe to move into his home what does he believe in his Orgon’s family?

What reason does Tartuffe give for having allowed Orgon to make him his heir? The reason that he gives for having allowed Orgon to make him his heir was because it had been what heaven had “ordered” for him to do. He says that now, Heaven does not order him to do such things for Orgon anymore.

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Where does Orgon hide in Tartuffe?

As Tartuffe is returning, Orgon hides behind Elmire and then immediately accosts Tartuffe and orders him from the house. Tartuffe then reminds Orgon that the house now belongs to him and that Orgon — not Tartuffe — is the one who must leave.

Where does Orgon hide?

Elmire tells him to return to hiding until he is completely satisfied, but Orgon is now convinced of Tartuffe’s hypocrisy. As Tartuffe is returning, Orgon hides behind Elmire and then immediately accosts Tartuffe and orders him from the house.

Why does Orgon trust Tartuffe more than his own family?

They trust people because they use religious clichés in all places. Orgon’s mother is very annoyed when people doubt Tartuffe, who is a great man of God, according to her. Orgon blindly believes in the beggar to an extent that he disowns his son and makes Tartuffe his heir without consulting any member of the family.

Why is Dorine such a valuable and trusted servant to Orgon’s family?

Pernelle truly believes that Tartuffe can save her son’s family from immorality. Why is Dorine such a valuable and trusted servant to Orgon’s family? Both because she is boldly honest and because she loves Mariane. Why does Mariane resign herself to marrying Tartuffe, before Dorine encourages her otherwise?

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What is the difference between Tartuffe and Orgon?

Whereas Tartuffe is the obvious hypocrite and scoundrel, Orgon is a much more complex character. In the past he obviously had served the king honorably and had tended to his estates in a rational and dignified manner. It is indicated that prior to the opening of the play, he was a sane man who was respected by his family and friends.

How many times has Tartuffe been revived?

The play has since been revived at the Festival in 1969, 1983, 1984, 2000, and 2017. The 2017 production used the Ranjit Bolt translation; its cast included Tom Rooney as Tartuffe, Maev Beaty as Elmire, and Graham Abbey as Orgon.

How does Orgon react to the hypocrisy of Tartuffe?

Having once adopted a life of piety, Orgon tries to become the epitome of the pious person and goes to absurd extremes both in his words and deeds. In contrast, when he discovers the hypocrisy of Tartuffe, he reverses himself and determines to hate and persecute all pious men.

How does Tartuffe fool the rest of the family?

Tartuffe pretends to be pious and to speak with divine authority, and Orgon and his mother no longer take any action without first consulting him. Tartuffe’s antics do not fool the rest of the family or their friends; they detest him.