
How does a cat feel after getting declawed?

How does a cat feel after getting declawed?

Right after being declawed, the cat will be in pain. Vets will prescribe medicine to help manage the immediate pain. There may also be bleeding, swelling and infection. One study found that 42\% of declawed cats had ongoing long-term pain and about a quarter of declawed cats limped.

Does declawing a cat cause behavior problems?

Declawing can cause worse behavior problems like not using the litter box and biting. These new behaviors can easily lead to abandonment and death.

Will declawing a cat calm it down?

Many people report that they are happier with their cats after declawing, because it makes the cats “better pets.” Unfortunately, just as many people have discovered–too late–that declawing frequently leads to far worse problems than it solves.

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Why is declawing so bad?

Why is declawing so controversial? Many experts say studies suggest that declawed cats are more likely to have health problems, such as back pain, or behavioural problems, such as aggression. Dr Endersby says that cats can continue to feel pain after the declawing procedure.

What are the consequences of declawing a cat?

The biggest consequence of cat declawing is chronic pain. “Cats are very good at hiding signs of pain and discomfort, so they can be uncomfortable for many years without you knowing,” Dr. Richardson explains.

Are there alternatives to declawing a kitten?

Kittens, on the other hand, are more malleable than adult cats and more able to adjust to a major change like declawing.” One surgical alternative to traditional declawing is a tendonectomy, during which the veterinarian severs the tendons that allow a cat to extend her claws.

Why does my cat have back pain after being declawed?

Back pain may be caused by lameness, as a changed gait means Fluffy is not carrying her weight like she should. “I’ve mostly seen this in heavier cats after they’ve been declawed. It changes their posture and the way they walk,” Englar describes.

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Why won’t my Cat use the litter box after being declawed?

After being declawed, a cat may refuse to relieve himself in the litter box. Englar says there could be several reasons for this behavior. “The first is, simply, that the cat has wounds on his feet,” she says. “When cats use the litter box, they tend to dig, or at least cover up their leavings. If cat litter gets in those wounds, it hurts.