
How do you use no sooner and than?

How do you use no sooner and than?

No sooner is used to show that one thing happens immediately after another thing. It is often used with the past perfect, and usually followed by than: [event 1]They had no sooner arrived than [event 2]they were arguing.

When to Use No sooner had and no sooner did?

No sooner is always followed by than. The helping verb ( do, does, did, had) is placed before the subject. No sooner did the peon ring the bell than we came out of our class rooms. No sooner had the peon rung the bell than we came out of the class rooms.

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What is the meaning of No sooner had?

phrase. If you say that no sooner has one thing happened than another thing happens, you mean that the second thing happens immediately after the first thing. No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.

How do you change as soon as sentence to no sooner?

Come visit as soon as possible. Call as soon as you can. No sooner is almost always followed immediately by a verb: No sooner had she finished her speech than the lights went out.

Is Sooner grammatically correct?

As the comparative form of soon, sooner simply means ‘earlier than expected’, as in ‘My prediction has come true sooner than I thought’ or ‘The flight arrived sooner than we expected’.

What does no sooner than mean?

Definition of no sooner than —used to say that something happens immediately after something else No sooner had I spoken than he appeared.

Do we use comma With no sooner?

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No, comma is not to be used when a sentence begins with no sooner. On the contrary, a comma is mandatory if the sentence begins with as soon as. For instance, No sooner did he enter than the vase broke.

What is the difference between sooner and earlier?

“Sooner” can only refer to future events, i.e. those that had yet to happen at the time of conversation. “Earlier” is merely a comparison of more than one points in time, regardless of them being in the past or in the future.

Is there a comma after room in a sentence?

No, it is not correct. There should be no comma after room. Senteces with ’No sooner….than’ does not have comma before ‘than’. Comma is used with with sentences having ‘As soon As’ in the begining. (Comma is replaced by than in ‘no sooner’ and than is replaced with comma in ‘as soon as’.

What does no sooner had I stepped out than it started?

No sooner had I stepped out, than it started raining. This sentence means that I stepped out and immediately after that it started raining. These two activities take place almost simultaneously.

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What does no sooner had I received her call mean?

No sooner had I received her call, than I left for her place. (NOT No sooner I had received her call, …) No sooner had she finished one project, than she started the next. (= As soon as she finished one project, she started the next.)

How do you use the phrase No sooner in a sentence?

No sooner had we heard the noise than we rushed to the spot. No sooner had she finished one project than she started working on the next. No sooner had I closed my eyes than I fell asleep. Note that did is also possible in this structure. No sooner did I arrive at the station than the train came.