
How do you use feared in a sentence?

How do you use feared in a sentence?

Feared sentence example

  1. The idea he feared anything amazed her.
  2. She was annoyed because she feared it would lead to unhappiness.
  3. They feared that the wolf was upon him; but he wished only to get his gun.
  4. Now, half a year later, came the feared phone call informing them that Martha too was leaving.

What does it mean for someone to be feared?

Definition of feared : producing fear in others feared enemies the most feared teacher in school : regarded with fear trying to avert a feared outcome.

What type of verb is feared?

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1[transitive] to be frightened of someone or something, or frightened of doing something fear somebody/something All his employees fear him. to fear death/persecution/the unknown Everyone feared the coming war.

When to use I am afraid to say?

—used as a way of expressing one’s disappointment, regret, or sorrow Most of us worked very hard, but she, I’m afraid to say, did no work at all.

How do you use the word fear in a sentence?

“They were filled with fear from the strange sounds outside.” “She is trying to face her fear of dogs.” “They expressed their fears about marriage.” “He showed no fear in the face of danger.”

What is example of fear?

1 : an unpleasant emotion caused by being aware of danger : a feeling of being afraid He was trembling with fear. an old story that still has the power to inspire fear [=to make people feel afraid] See More Examples. I’ve been trying to overcome my fear of flying. He won’t say anything for fear of losing his job.

What does I fear for you mean?

To be concerned or worried about someone or something. I just fear for you going out all alone so late at night.

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Is it better to be feared or loved?

Niccolò Machiavelli was a political theorist from the Renaissance period. In his most notable work, The Prince, he writes, “It is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both.” He argues that fear is a better motivator than love, which is why it is the more effective tool for leaders.

What tense is fear?

Fear verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
fear fearing feared

Why do we say I am afraid?

A: When the adjective “afraid” showed up in the 1300s (as affred or afreyd in Middle English), it meant alarmed or frightened. But by the early 1600s, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the expression “I am afraid” (or “I’m afraid”) was being used in the apologetic sense you’re asking about.

Is it correct to say I Am Not Afraid of You?

Simple answer: “I am not feared of you” simply cannot be used that way. Correct would be “I am not afraid of you”, which would be (mostly) synonymous with “I am not scared of you”. There are some US regional dialects where afraid is pronounced as afeared, maybe that’s what he’s heard.

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Can you use “afraid” for bad news?

You can use afraid or scared if you pay attention to the grammar. And if you want to confirm bad news or express feelings of regret or reluctance, afraid is the right word. Isn’t this pair a little less scary now?

How do you use the word afraid in a sentence?

I’m afraid. Afraid is one of the adjectives that cannot be used before a noun in the attributive position. It is used in the predicative position after be and other copular verbs. In attributive position, other words must be used. James is afraid.

Can afafraid be used in attributive position?

Afraid is one of the adjectives that cannot be used before a noun in the attributive position. It is used in the predicative position after be and other copular verbs. In attributive position, other words must be used. Compare: James is afraid.