Tips and tricks

How do you solve kaggle competition?

How do you solve kaggle competition?

How to Get Started on Kaggle

  1. Step 1: Pick a programming language.
  2. Step 2: Learn the basics of exploring data.
  3. Step 3: Train your first machine learning model.
  4. Step 4: Tackle the ‘Getting Started’ competitions.
  5. Step 5: Compete to maximize learnings, not earnings.

What algorithms are most successful on kaggle?

It finds that the most popular methods mentioned in winners posts are neural networks, random forest and GBM.

How do you get data from a competition?

Here are 10 tips from entrepreneurs and small business owners on how you can start gathering information on your competitors.

  1. Go beyond a google search.
  2. Do some reporting.
  3. Tap the social network.
  4. Ask your customers.
  5. Attend a conference.
  6. Check in with your suppliers.
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How do I contact kaggle support?


  1. General Privacy: [email protected].
  2. Data Protection Office: [email protected].
  3. Security: [email protected].
  4. Abuse: [email protected].

How do I import XGBoost?

This tutorial is broken down into the following 6 sections:

  1. Install XGBoost for use with Python.
  2. Problem definition and download dataset.
  3. Load and prepare data.
  4. Train XGBoost model.
  5. Make predictions and evaluate model.
  6. Tie it all together and run the example.

How can I monitor my competition?

7 Strategies for Monitoring Your Competitors

  1. Uncover the Keywords They’re Targeting.
  2. Analyze Their Rankings Against Keywords.
  3. Research Their Most Shared Content.
  4. Stay Alert for New Content.
  5. Track New Links.
  6. Monitor Their Social Activity.

How do I get information about my competitors?

The best way to gather information about your competitors is by acting like one of their customers. Sign up for their email list so you can get an idea of how they communicate. Also, follow their blog and social media accounts and watch how they interact with their customers online.

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How do I become a kaggle competition master?

To become a Master in Competitions, you need 1 gold medal and 2 silver medals. For Datasets, the requirement is 1 gold medal and 4 silver medals and for Notebooks, you only need 10 silver medals. As for discussions, it’s 50 silver medals and at least 200 medals in total.

Can beginners learn from Kaggle competition solutions?

Beginners can learn a lot from the peer’s solutions and from the kaggle discussion forms. So in this post, we were interested in sharing most popular kaggle competition solutions. If you are pure data science beginner and admirers to test your theoretical knowledge by solving the real-world data science problems.

Is it easy to get top in Kaggle leaderboard?

Every data science enthusiastic dreams to get top in kaggle leaderboard. But It’s not an easy thing to stay top on kaggle leaderboard. As the world is filled with some top mined data scientist. Who always loves to fine tune the solution with different approaches by applying different algorithms based on the problem domain.

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What is Kaggle and why should you use it?

This gives new Kagglers the opportunity to see how their scores stack up against a cohort of competitors rather than many tens of thousands of users. Additionally, the Kaggle Learn platform has several tracks for beginners interested in free hands-on data science learning from pandas to deep learning.

Is Kaggle good for beginners in data science?

Additionally, the Kaggle Learn platform has several tracks for beginners interested in free hands-on data science learning from pandas to deep learning. Lessons within a track are separated into easily digestible chunks and contain Notebook exercises for you to practise building models and new techniques.