Tips and tricks

How do you send a compliment back on Instagram?

How do you send a compliment back on Instagram?

Thanks for the Compliment Reply

  1. “Thanks so much – I really appreciate you saying that.”
  2. “Thank you – that was really sweet to say.”
  3. “Wow, thanks so much.”
  4. “Thanks – that means a lot.”

What should I reply to a girl?

A good way to get her to respond is by letting her know you are thinking about her. Text her things like: “I really liked that outfit you wore yesterday.” or “You kicked butt when we all went bowling last week.” These things make her pay attention to the conversation, feel special, and know you like her.

How do you respond to a bad comment on Facebook?

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Write a short, non-confrontational reply that shows that you’ve read and understood the issue(s) raised, even if they’re unfounded. Be specific and acknowledge the customer’s concerns; show sympathy that they had a bad experience. Sincerely apologize for the upset caused offer to make things right.

How do you respond to a negative review?

Being transparent is the best course to take when responding to a negative review.In fact, research shows that over 90\% of Americans say brand transparency is an important factor when making purchasing decisions.Customers know your team isn’t going to be perfect, but they expect you to take responsibility for your mistakes when they occur.

What is positive and negative feedback in the workplace?

When you provide positive feedback, you are telling your team members what they’re doing correctly and should continue to do. Negative feedback is the opposite, as it focuses on what they did wrong or need to improve. Here are several common workplace scenarios you can use to provide positive feedback to employees:

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What are some examples of positive feedback you can give?

In the sections below, we’ll offer specific examples of positive feedback you can give in each of these 10 scenarios. To meet the client’s needs, Sam has worked overtime. She does this with a positive attitude and understands it will benefit her team. Give her feedback that shows how much you appreciate her extra efforts.

How do you respond to unsolicited comments about your appearance?

When Someone Makes An Unsolicited Remark About Your Appearance Best Response: Turn the comment on its head. According to the expert: “Turn a stupid question into a new conversation and [then] change the subject. You can give a very brief answer without going into a lot of detail. Just last week someone came up to me and said, ‘Are you tired?