
How do you say are you busy?

How do you say are you busy?

First let’s look at different ways to say that a person is busy.

  1. I am busy. The most basic way to express this.
  2. I’m as busy as a bee.
  3. I’m slammed.
  4. I’m so busy (that) I can’t even…
  5. I’m buried (in work).
  6. I’m overwhelmed (with work).
  7. I’m up to my ears in work.
  8. I’ve got a lot on my plate.

What can I reply to Are you busy?

5 Better Responses to “How Are You?” Than “Busy”

  • “I’m having a productive day.”
  • “I’m working on X project and…”
  • “I’m a little overloaded right now, but I expect things to calm down in a week when X is done.”
  • “I’ve got a lot to do, but I’m excited for the results.”
  • “I’m stressed.”
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What are you busy with meaning?

busy with (something) adjective Spending a lot of one’s time focused or working on a particular task, goal, or project.

How do you say you’re busy politely?

Below are 10 English expressions that’ll do the job much better.

  1. I’m preoccupied. Imagine someone knocking on your office door while you’re having a meeting.
  2. I’m tied up.
  3. I have a lot on my plate.
  4. I’m juggling a lot right now.
  5. I don’t have the bandwidth.
  6. I’m spread pretty thin.
  7. I’m swamped.
  8. I’m buried in work.

What is the sentence of busy?

[M] [T] She was busy with her knitting. [M] [T] He has been very busy this week. [M] [T] I’m busy preparing for the trip. [M] [T] I’m very busy so don’t count on me.

How do you say im busy nicely?

How do you say busy politely?

10 Ways to Say You’re Busy Without Being Rude

  1. I’m preoccupied. Imagine someone knocking on your office door while you’re having a meeting.
  2. I’m tied up.
  3. I have a lot on my plate.
  4. I’m juggling a lot right now.
  5. I don’t have the bandwidth.
  6. I’m spread pretty thin.
  7. I’m swamped.
  8. I’m buried in work.
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Are you busy meaning?

1 adj When you are busy, you are working hard or concentrating on a task, so that you are not free to do anything else.

What is the meaning of busy busy?

adjective. Very or excessively busy.

What does “are you busy” mean in English?

The question “Are you busy” in English means “Are you available to talk to me at the moment, or are you too busy to talk to me?” No mystery here. – Fattie Jul 11 ’17 at 15:13 | Show 3more comments 5 Answers 5 ActiveOldestVotes 36 I think you’re misunderstanding the intent behind asking if you’re busy.

Is it rude to say I know you’re busy but?

“I know you’re busy, but…” is a TERRIBLE way to start any conversation. It provides no value. It makes assumptions. It has nothing to do with the purpose or intent of the communication. It reeks of insecurity, and degrades the person saying it.

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How do you tell someone you aren’t busy at the moment?

If you aren’t working on anything pressing and have time to answer their questions or help them out, the expected answer would be that you aren’t busy, implying that you aren’t busy at the moment. If you are on a deadline and don’t have time at the moment, you should let them know when you’ll be free to answer questions or help them out.

How to answer “what’s keeping you busy these days?

As the conversation evolves, you can ask more specific questions and steer the conversation towards other topics. To create a strong response to “What’s keeping you busy these days?”, be sure to consider your goal for the conversation. After all, your answer to this question is going to guide the conversation.