
How do you run multiple Selenium tests at the same time?

How do you run multiple Selenium tests at the same time?

1 Answer

  1. You can run multiple instances of chromedriver locally quite simply, just instantiate multiple driver objects, a chromedriver can keep the profiles separate and find a port to run all the instances by itself.
  2. Here is a link to an example that can run multiple tests using TestNG and Maven:

Can Selenium WebDriver supports multiple web browsers?

To execute test cases with different browsers in the same machine at the same time we can integrate Testng framework with Selenium WebDriver. Selenium can support different type of browsers for automation. Selenium can be integrated with TestNG to perform Multi Browser Testing.

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How do I keep a session alive for long Selenium scripts in automation?

We can keep a session alive for long Selenium scripts in automation. In Chrome browser, this can be achieved with the help of the ChromeOptions and Capabilities classes. Capabilities class can get the capabilities of the browser by using the method – getCapabilities.

How does Selenium Webdriver connect to an already open browser?

5 Answers

  1. Add path of Chrome executable to environment variable PATH.
  2. Launch Chrome with custom flag, and open a port for remote debugging chrome.exe –remote-debugging-port=1111 –user-data-dir=”C:\selenum\AutomationProfile”

How do I run a test in multiple browsers parallel?

In testng. xml file we will define three different tests (one for each browser type) with a parameter say Browser Type. An attribute parallel = “tests” will be passed in the test suite, which makes the execution as parallel. By default execution is sequential.

How do I keep a browser session alive in selenium?

1. I took selenium-server-standalone and run it with -browserSessionReuse -timeout 3600 -browserTimeout 600 to keep my session alive. So, this way I can store this SessionId in the db and re-use it.

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How does selenium handle session expiration?

If Current time – Test start time >= 30 minute s then check if system logout and if yes then login again. but for this question is same like I have to call it in either every method or in some specific methods to check every time if logout or not.

How to run multiple browsers in Selenium WebDriver?

A Webdriver is defined with one browser. As Coretek said you need multiple webdriver instances. You will need to run the selenium-server .jar file and provide each one with an argument specifying the browser you want that instance of the server to run.

Is it possible to re-use a selenium session?

Actually you can re-use the same session again.. In node client you can use following code to attach to existing selenium session

How do you write selenium grid tests?

The usual way that Selenium people write tests is to open a separate browser per test class, which is sorta how “Selenium Grid” is designed to operate. I usually put one test method per test class.

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How to run tests in the same browser using addnormalee?

If it is between different classes, you might consider extending your AddNormalEE class from the LoginScript class. To run tests in the same browser, your driver instance needs to be shared between your classes or it has to be the same in all your @Tests.