
How do you reverse 1234 in Python?

How do you reverse 1234 in Python?

Python Program to reverse the digits of a number

  1. # Program to reverse the digits of a number literally.
  2. # Input = 1234.
  3. # Output = 4321.
  4. num = int(input(“Enter a number: \n”))
  5. reverse = 0.

How do you find the 3 digit number in Python?

Program Explanation Get input num from user using input() method check whether the num is greater than 99 and less than 100 using if statement. if it is true, then print num is three digit number using print() method. Else print num is not three digit number using print() method.

How do you reverse a number in Python using built in function?

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Reverse a number in Python | Python Program to Reverse a number

  3. SAMPLE INPUT: 321.
  4. SAMPLE OUTPUT: 123.
  5. Step 1:Get input from the user.
  6. Step 3:Check whether the given number is greater than zero using while loop.
  7. Step 5:Multiply rev by 10 and add the remainder to it, store the answer in rev.

How do you reverse a number in Python using built-in function?

How do you reverse a list in a loop Python?

Iterate over the list using for loop and reversed() reversed() function returns an iterator to accesses the given list in the reverse order. Let’s iterate over that reversed sequence using for loop i.e. It will print the wordList in reversed order.

How do I reverse a string in Python?

Probably the easiest and close to the fastest way to reverse a string is to use Python’s extended slice syntax. This allows you to specify a start, stop and step value to use when creating a slice. The syntax is: [start:stop:step]. s = “String to reverse.” print s[::-1]

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To find a free reverse phone number lookup, check the free available tools provided on phone directory websites such as and A phone number lookup search tool is also sometimes found on people-finder websites as a free service to users. To find a reverse phone number lookup tool,…

How do you reverse a number in C?

Reverse a Number in C++ Program Code. dry run c++ program to reverse a number, reverse number code 26 comments. A simple C++ program in which user enter a number, program reverse it and display reversed number on the console. For example: If input number is 12345. Then reversed number will be 54321.

What is an integer in Python?

Python supports four different numerical types − int (signed integers) − They are often called just integers or ints, are positive or negative whole numbers with no decimal point. long (long integers ) − Also called longs, they are integers of unlimited size, written like integers and followed by an uppercase or lowercase L.