How do you respond to why are you so quiet?

How do you respond to why are you so quiet?

Here are 10 ways to respond to people when they ask you why you are so quiet:

  • Say, “I’m just a quiet person”
  • Say, “I’m just a good listener”
  • Say, “I’m thinking about…”
  • Say, “I zoned out”
  • Say, “I have a lot on my mind”
  • Say, “I don’t mind silence”
  • Say, “I’m a person of few words”
  • Say, “I’m a little shy”

How do you respond to an introvert?

Getting Introverts To Respond

  1. Pause – allow your words to “land”… wait before answering the question you just asked!
  2. Listen more than talk – someone told me that we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason!
  3. Avoid the “What’s wrong?” question….
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What is quiet person?

Quiet people are too preoccupied with their thoughts to speak. The people who are the quietest are those who are within their heads. They have a habit of overthinking everything. They may want to start a discussion, but they’re too preoccupied with the conversation’s potential outcomes to do so.

How to answer “why are you So Quiet?

Here are 6 magnificent responses to “why are you so quiet?” 1. “I am not quiet. I talk when I have something to say, and I am simply involved in my inner world more. I love the feeling I get when I dive into it.” 2. “I don’t like small talk. I would rather talk about deep, meaningful subjects.

Why are introverts so serious?

Introverts appear to be serious because they are quiet, but this is an assumption which might not be true. Introverts can have a cracking dry sense of humour, so use it to outwit with our oneliners:

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Why do introverts always ask “ Have you had botox?

This is a typical question an introvert is asked, usually because they are locked away in their own thoughts. Then suddenly their reverie is broken by some idiot crashing in with this question. Here’s how to shut them up: I already am, I’ve had Botox.

Are INFJs the Quiet Ones?

To some people, we will always be “the quiet one”. As introverts, we think before we speak. We carefully choose our words, and when to say them. Being INFJs, we are people oriented, so we always carefully choose our words so as not to hurt anyone.