
How do you respond to asking and giving opinions Give ten example sentences?

How do you respond to asking and giving opinions Give ten example sentences?

Medium. I think… Well, if you ask me… I’d like to point out that… As I see it… In my opinion…

  • Strong. Absolutely. Exactly. I totally agree with you. I have exactly the same opinion as you.
  • Strong. I totally disagree. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. With respect, I have to say I don’t agree. I disagree entirely.
  • How do you agree with someone’s opinion?

    Expressing agreement

    1. I agree with you 100 percent.
    2. I couldn’t agree with you more.
    3. That’s so true.
    4. That’s for sure.
    5. (slang) Tell me about it!
    6. You’re absolutely right.
    7. Absolutely.
    8. That’s exactly how I feel.
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    How do you politely ask an opinion?

    Asking for Opinions

    1. Do you think …?
    2. How do you feel about …?
    3. In your opinion, …?
    4. Please tell me your opinion on …
    5. What do you think about …?
    6. What’s your opinion on …?

    How do you politely ask for an opinion?

    How do you say I agree professionally?

    We’re in accord. I agree. Absolutely! You’re absolutely right.

    How do you say I agree with you in different ways?

    Different Ways to Say I Agree

    1. I agree with you.
    2. Yup.
    3. We are of one mind.
    4. You can say that again.
    5. I could not agree with you more.
    6. That’s right.
    7. Agreed.
    8. You took the words right out of my mouth.

    How do you ask for someone’s opinion in a sentence?

    Phrase 9 is asking the other person’s opinion of an idea or proposal. We follow ‘to’ with a noun or gerund and follow ‘if we’ with a sentence with a past verb. Phrase 10 is an indirect way of asking for an opinion. We ask if the other person knows about the situation.

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    How do you ask someone for advice in a positive way?

    What do you think?” or “I could really use your advice on something.” Anything phrased like the above will work, and most people will be flattered that you feel that they can be helpful to you. Just be polite and always thank the person for his or her advice, even if you don’t follow it.

    How do you respond when someone asks what do you think about me?

    Originally Answered: How do you respond when someone asks, “What do you think about me?” Oh that’s a good one! Remember that saying, three things you can’t take back : the stone once it’s cast, time once it’s passed, and the word once it’s said. “Sharing my thoughts of you will not be up for debate.

    Is your opinion wrong or right?

    Barring a mental disorder, one’s opinion is neither wrong nor right; it simply is. I note that most of the responders here are answering the question, “Why do some people always say ‘please correct me if I am wrong’ before delivering their analysis|conclusion|evaluation?”