How do you repeat a number in Java?

How do you repeat a number in Java?

Here is the shortest version (Java 1.5+ required): repeated = new String(new char[n]). replace(“\0”, s); Where n is the number of times you want to repeat the string and s is the string to repeat.

How do I print a number multiple times?

Use the multiplication operator * to repeat a string multiple times. Multiply a string with the multiplication operator * by an integer n to concatenate the string with itself n times. Call print(value) with the resultant string as value to print it.

How do I print 10 times a word in Java?

Java – How to print a name 10 times?

  1. Looping. 1.1 For loop.
  2. Read and Print. This example will read input from the console and print it ten times.
  3. Recursion. This example will use a recursion loop.
  4. No Loop , No Recursion.
  5. Char + String and Replace.
  6. Java 8 String Join.
  7. Java 8 IntStream.range.
  8. Java 11 Repeat.

How do you repeat the same string in Java?

The string can be repeated N number of times, and we can generate a new string that has repetitions. repeat() method is used to return String whose value is the concatenation of given String repeated count times. If the string is empty or the count is zero then the empty string is returned.

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How do you make a loop run a certain number of times?

To repeat something for a certain number of times, you may:

  1. Use range or xrange for i in range(n): # do something here.
  2. Use while i = 0 while i < n: # do something here i += 1.
  3. If the loop variable i is irrelevant, you may use _ instead for _ in range(n): # do something here _ = 0 while _ < n # do something here _ += 1.

How do you make a method repeat itself in Java?

This can be achieved with the help of Recursion, or looping. In recursion, you call the method again from inside of the method itself. Make sure to call (or return) conditionally, otherwise, it may lead to infinite loop!

Which operator is used to print the output multiple times?

Answer: Use the multiplication operator * to repeat a string multiple times.

How do you print 5 times in python?

Use range() to print a string multiple times Use range(stop) to create a range of 0 to stop where stop is the number of lines desired. Use a for-loop to iterate through this range. In each iteration, concatenate the string to itself by the number of times desired and print the result.

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How do I print my name 1000 times in Java?

In Java 11 the String class introduced a method: repeat ; use this method.

  1. String input = “Hello ”;
  2. System.out.println(input.repeat(1000));

What is a loop that repeats a specific number of times?

The while loop is used to repeat a section of code an unknown number of times until a specific condition is met. For example, say we want to know how many times a given number can be divided by 2 before it is less than or equal to 1.

How many times a for loop will repeat?

Anything from once (or half a time – up to the “break” statement only, if there’s anything after that that code might not be executed at all) to infinitely often if your dice is broken and never returns 6. You might also be able to use other kind of for loops (Java again):

How to print single and multiple variables in Java?

To print single and multiple variables in Java, the code is as follows − A class named Demo contains the main function, which defines two strings. These strings are displayed using the ‘println’ function and using the ‘printf’ function.

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How can I print a string as many times as possible?

It’s perfectly clear what it does and it’s efficient. If you print many lines like this then put the string in a variable so you can easily print as many times as you want: Maybe it’s a hassle to create the string (for example, type “-” 10 times and copy and paste that 8 times) but you only have to do it once.

How do you print a name ten times in Java?

This program would literally print “a name” ten times using the Java programming language. If you want to specify the name you want to print, just replace the text “a name” with the substitute name of your choice. This is how the program works, I use a for loop to print “a name” ten times.

How can I print a string in java11?

Java is Fun! Java is Fun! System.out.println(“Printing the string” + N + “times in a single line.”); Java11 has a method to do this very easily. We can use the repeat () method of org.apache.commons.lang3 package for this.