Tips and tricks

How do you measure the draw weight of a bow?

How do you measure the draw weight of a bow?

To measure a bow’s draw weight, you’ll need a weight scale. You take the measurement by attaching the scale to the bowstring near the nock, pulling the string to full draw, and reading the scale. To eliminate human error, take the measurement multiple times.

How do I know what draw weight my compound bow is?

Just stand naturally. Have someone else help you, and measure from the tip of one middle finger to the other. Then simply divide that number by 2.5. The quotient is your approximate draw length (in inches) for your body size.

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How heavy should my bow draw weight be?

Build, Bodyweight and Suggested Bow Draw Weights

Type of Person/Build Weight (lbs) Compound Suggested Draw Weight (lbs)
Large/Strong Child 100-130 25-35
Small/Slight Woman 100-130 25-35
Average Woman 130-160 30-40
Large/Strong Woman 160+ 45-55

How do you know what size bow to get for archery?

First, spread your arms outward from your side to form a “T” with your palms facing forward. Next, have a friend measure your wingspan from the tips of your middle fingers. Divide this number by 2.5 and you should be relatively close to your actual draw length.

Does changing draw weight change draw length?

The weight of a bow (the ‘poundage’) is always measured at a standard 28″ draw length, but that weight changes at different draw lengths. If your own draw length is over 28″, then the actual weight of a bow will be higher than it is listed at (conversely, if your draw length is less, the bow weight will be less).

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To measure the draw weight on any bow, you’ll need to use a draw weight scale to pull the bow back and take the reading. Most draw weight scales have some hook or attachment you can connect to the bowstring, and use it as a release aid to pull the bow back. Ready your equipment: the bow and a draw weight scale.

What is the best draw weight scale for archery?

When choosing a draw weight scale, you shouldn’t go overboard, since a simple one will do the trick. I suggest getting Luoyer Archery Bow Scale, which is really affordable on Amazon. It’s a digital scale that can measure up to 110 pounds, and is pretty easy and comfortable to handle.

What size draw weight should you shoot?

A more general poll done at the archerytalk forum suggests that most bowhunters shoot with draw weights of 55-64 lbs – almost 45\% of people say their poundage is within this range. The full statistics: This should show you what range you should aim to, based on where on the bell curve you think you should be.

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How much do compound bows weigh?

For a compound bow, you need to draw the bow to the wall (which is the point where the bow will not allow you to pull any further). Most traditional and recurve bow’s draw weight cap at around 55 pounds, whereas compound bows can go up to 70 pounds and higher.