How do you list a co-author?

How do you list a co-author?

List all the authors up to and including your name, and then put et al. List just the first author. As the papers will probably appear in a publications section on your resume, its fairly clear that you are going to be an author.

How do you mention a co-author in an essay?

If you and other co-authors agree, list your names alphabetically. Think about who owns the data and the kind of work with which you want your name associated. Make sure that you stipulate that you want to be listed as an author, where you want your name, and what you want credited to you—not anyone else.

What are the criteria for being included as a co-author on a publication?

A co-author is any person who has made a significant contribution to a journal article. They also share responsibility and accountability for the results. If more than one author writes an article, you’ll choose one person to be the corresponding author.

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What is the difference between joint and co authorship?

A work of joint authorship is different to works of “co-authorship”, where the author of a musical work and the author of a literary work collaborate to create two works to be used together, such as a musical or an opera. Joint owners of copyright in a literary work must both agree to any exploitation of their work.

How do you thank a co-author?

First, address your co-worker and put their name in the heading of your letter. Next, you should mention why you’re writing to them and what you’re thankful for. Then, elaborate on what they did that helped you or impressed you.

When can you be added as the author of the paper?

As per the ICMJE guidelines on authorship, a person can qualify to be an author only if he/she meets all of the following criteria: Made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND.

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Do co authored papers matter?

It’s always good to have another paper, even if you are second author. A hiring or review committee may ask you to describe your own contribution to the paper. As long as you can do that honestly and point to some substantive contribution to the paper, it will be to your benefit.

Is the copyright in the article jointly owned by you and your co author’s )?

So, if there is joint authorship, then the work created will be considered joint work and not just solely created by a single author, and the authors will be considered co-owners of the copyright in a specific work.

How does the leader determine the Order of authorship for co-authors?

The Leader will determine the order of authorship for the co-authors based on contributions to the project. In practice the Leader is often be the first, last or corresponding author. If appropriate to the journal, the acknowledgements of the paper will describe each co-author’s specific contributions.

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Are co-authors excluded from the review process?

Consequently, co-authors are either excluded from the process (as appears to be the intent) or the diligent ones respect the deadline and the need for revisions and work hard, albeit frustratedly, to provide detailed comments within the timeframe.

What are the disadvantages of working with co-authors?

Although working with co-authors is usually rewarding, it can also lead to difficulties. Co-authors may not contribute as much as they promised, or in particularly problematic cases, they may deliberately obstruct the research or publication process.

Who should approve a co-author’s manuscript?

Co-authors should review and approve the manuscript, at least as it pertains to their roles in the project. Individuals who meet the criteria for authorship should be included as authors irrespective of their institutional affiliations.