
How do you handle blended family problems?

How do you handle blended family problems?

Planning your blended family

  1. Too many changes at once can unsettle children.
  2. Don’t expect to fall in love with your partner’s children overnight.
  3. Find ways to experience “real life” together.
  4. Make parenting changes before you marry.
  5. Don’t allow ultimatums.
  6. Insist on respect.
  7. Limit your expectations.
  8. Safe and secure.

What to do when your child wants to live with another parent?

If you’re having a hard time viewing the request objectively, talk with a friend or counselor about how to separate your child’s request from your identity as a parent. Badmouth the other parent. Even when you truly believe that living with the other parent would be harmful to your child’s…

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How do you deal with a difficult child at home?

Let your child know that you’re open to hearing what they have to say—even if you disagree. Be sure that you back that claim up by forcing yourself to calmly listen to your child as they open up to you rather than cutting them off with your own opinions. Set communication ground rules.

How do I deal with my son who doesn’t care?

Get involved in local organizations and activities to fill your hours with interesting things and have something to talk about with your son that doesn’t involve your constant disappointment. If you can afford it, visit him periodically, without expecting him to entertain you.

How do I deal with my ex when my child wants custody?

If your ex is in the picture, your child will probably bring their wishes up to them, as well (if they have not already). Instead of fighting it, let your ex know that your child has vocalized this request and set up a time to discuss it. Working on having a healthy co-parenting relationship will help you put your child’s needs first.