How do you get your dad to let you have a phone?

How do you get your dad to let you have a phone?

If your parents are busy with an activity, it’s okay to let them know that you want to talk to them when they have a free moment. Say, “Hey, mom. I see that you’re making dinner right now, but if you have time tonight, I’d like to talk about something.” Consider writing a letter to request the phone.

How do I convince my strict dad to get me a phone?

Encourage a good mood in your parents before you ask, by being extra polite and doing any chores you might have before they ask. To improve your chances of a yes before you ask for your new phone, you also might: Turn on your parents’ favorite music. Talk about an experience where you both had fun.

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How to convince your parents to get you a phone?

Ways To Convince Parents For A Phone. 1 1. See You Family’s Financial Condition. Before asking your parents to get you a phone make sure to check your family’s financial condition. If your 2 2. Wait For Parent’s Earning to Come. 3 3. Wait For Your Birthday. 4 4. Wait For Offers. 5 5. Get Good Marks in Exams.

How can I convince my parents to allow me unlimited texting?

Tell your parents unlimited texting can allow you to alert them of your whereabouts if you’re ever running late. Show your parents that you are responsible. Your parents need to know that you can take care of the phone, so think of how you’ve shown them that you are responsible in the past. Remember to do your homework every day.

How can I convince my parents to let me bring my iPod?

They may think you’re getting too much screen time. Talk to your parents directly and ask them politely for permission. Explain why you think you should be able to bring your iPod on the bus. If they say “No,” respectfully ask them why and see if there’s room to compromise. Be direct when beginning the conversation.

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Can I take care of the phone without my parents knowing?

Your parents need to know that you can take care of the phone, so think of how you’ve shown them that you are responsible in the past. Remember to do your homework every day. Do all of your chores without your parents asking and maybe even do extra chores that your parents would like.