Tips and tricks

How do you get rid of the smell of curry in the house?

How do you get rid of the smell of curry in the house?

Put two cups of water in a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Add fragrant materials such as Kewra (Screwpine) leaves or vanilla beans/extract, and turn the heat down to a simmer. Allow it to simmer for at least one hour. The smell emitted will mask the lingering curry odor.

How do you get rid of curry smell in kitchen cupboards?

Fill a small bowl with baking soda or activated charcoal. Place the bowl in the cupboard and close the cupboard. Leave it for three days to absorb odors.

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How do you get the smell of cumin out of your house?

  1. Sprinkle baking soda over soft surfaces in your home that smell like cumin.
  2. Brush the baking soda into the surface with a scrubbing brush.
  3. Let the baking soda sit overnight.
  4. Vacuum the baking soda up in the morning.
  5. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar.
  6. Spray the white vinegar over hard surfaces in your home.

How do I stop my spice cupboard from smelling?

Baking soda and coffee grounds make great natural odour neutralisers. The baking soda will absorb bad odours from old produce and can even get rid of that musty smell! Simply fill a small container with the baking soda or coffee grounds, poke a few holes in the lid and pop it in the cupboard. Bingo!

Why does Indian cooking smell bad?

Indian food, of course, uses many aromatic spices – Jaffrey suggests that some, like methi and hing, are particularly responsible for lingering smells. The tarka process, which is central to so much Indian cooking, specifically involves frying spices to release aromas.

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How do you get the smell of Indian food out of a leather couch?

To remove smells from your leather sofa, or any other leather product, mix a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, then use a clean cloth (microfibre cloths are great for this) to wipe the leather. As your cloth begins to pick up the dirt from the leather, wring it out or swap it for another clean cloth.

How do you get rid of the smell of Indian food?

Do NOT a freshener; doing so will just add another scent on top of the Indian food smell instead of getting rid of it. – Use a fabric freshener on any furniture that may have absorbed the scent. You can also spray freshener on carpets and rugs.

How to get rid of cooking smell and odor?

Leave the vinegar out for several hours to make its odor last for long. You may also soak bread or clothe in the solution and let it be there for some time to get rid of cooking smell and scents.

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How do you get the curry smell out of Your House?

Save Yourself. If you’ve cooked with curry, your hands likely reek of the stuff. This means you will carry the smell with you everywhere you go, making it impossible to know if it’s you or your house you’re smelling. Remove the curry odor from your hands by rubbing lemon juice, vinegar or coffee grounds on them.

What is the best deodorizer for Indian curry smell?

After spending hours testing and trying dozens of curry odor eliminators, we feel that SMELLEZE Reusable Cooking Smell Removal Deodorizer (learn more) is the best of all products. These pouches are natural, eco-friendly, recyclable, reusable, and extremely useful at removing Indian curry smell from the house.