How do you get exempt from CA Inter advanced accounts?

How do you get exempt from CA Inter advanced accounts?

Hello bro..for getting exemption in advanced accounting you have to complete practice manual at least 2 times. in my view you should also solve different questions of study material which are not covered in practice manual. Remember that institute material is best for getting exemption rather than to reference books.

Is advanced accounting easy?

In CA IPCC Advanced Accounts is very easy subject compared with other subjects in CA IPCC Group 2 and it is also a scoring subject. By following those tips you can get easily 50 + marks in CA IPCC Exams.

How can I study advance accounting?

What are some key tips for studying the Accounting and Advanced Accounting subject?

  1. Before you begin, be clear with the basic terms and concepts of accounting.
  2. While studying, make it a habit to practice questions corresponding to the theory you have read.
  3. DO NOT skip the study material provided by ICAI.
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How can I prepare for CA inter account?

How To Attempt Accounts Exam?

  1. Utilize the first 15 minutes of reading time efficiently.
  2. Attempt those questions first which you know well the most.
  3. Write your paper in a presentable manner.
  4. Let’s come to questions related to Accounting Standards.
  5. Start answers from a fresh page.

What is advanced accounting?

Definition of Advanced Accounting covers accounting operations, patterns, merger of public holding companies, foreign currency operations, changing financial statement prepared in foreign and local currencies.

What advanced accounting?

Advanced Accounting provides usage-based information for a wide variety of system resources so that you can develop comprehensive charge-back strategies. You can collect accounting data on resources such as disks, network interfaces, virtual devices, file systems, processors, and memory.

Is IPCC hard?

Hi, Yes it is considered to be tough exam. Reason being the syllabus is huge and if preparation not started on time can create hassle to you, the other reason is only 5\% of students out of all appearing for the exam clear the exam so competition is really high.