
How do you get back after hitting rock bottom?

How do you get back after hitting rock bottom?

10 Things To Remember When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

  1. Let yourself feel.
  2. Take the time to reflect.
  3. Have faith.
  4. Be self-compassionate.
  5. Engage in creative outlet.
  6. Spend time in nature.
  7. Listen to Music.
  8. Try new things.

How do I know if I’ve hit rock bottom?

Hitting rock bottom emotionally can mean we’ve reached a point where our depression, anxiety and other emotional challenges have become so painful and so distressing that we feel we can’t take them anymore. We might be unable to stop crying or panicking. We might be unable to sleep, eat or function in our daily lives.

How do I fix my broken self?

When you’re feeling lost and disheartened with life, here are 26 simple methods of taking your power back.

  1. Get In Shape.
  2. Get out of town.
  3. Rewrite your story.
  4. Invite new people into your life.
  5. Tell your story.
  6. Be disciplined about self-care.
  7. Change your appearance.
  8. Quit what isn’t working for you.
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What happens when you hit rock bottom?

When you hit rock bottom, you realize that you have to change. This again brings about a dissolve in ego. You are more compassionate and notice that it isn’t all about you. We are all in this together and you see and are able to relate to suffering in people.

How do you recover from a rock bottom?

Start with small goals that aid in your recovery from the habits that have made you hit rock bottom and accomplish them daily. Also focus on bigger goals that align with the vision of what you want your new life to look like. This will give you purpose to push on when times are at their roughest.

What is the best part of hitting rock bottom?

Now the comeback is the best part. It shows you who you really are and can build a bullet proof strength that call allow you to get through anything that life throws at you. Because at the end of the day, if and when you get through hitting rock bottom, you will have tougher than average skin.