
How do you get a better rank in CodeChef?

How do you get a better rank in CodeChef?

What should I do to improve my performance on CodeChef?

  1. Solve 100+ problems on spoj. Then you will be able to solve 5-6 problems easily.
  2. Stick to the problem for long ,think on your own and give more try before looking at solution. You will definitely improve. All the best.

What is highest rating on CodeChef?

Highest ever rating: 3488, acrush.

What is CF penalty?

For each attempt there is penalty of 50 points.

How do I increase my rating on CodeChef?

Okay now I have found how to increase rating on codechef … Step 1. Sign up ofcourse. Step 2. Wait for long challenges. Step 3. Join some whatsapp and telegram group. Step 4. Beg for testcases,hints and finally beg for solution. Step 5. Don’t !! Never participate in short contest, once your rating is increased.

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What is a good CodeChef rating for a data scientist?

Hence, I think 2000+ will be a good rating. The highest rating one has ever achieved plus hundred is always the threshold for a good rating on codechef for him. What tools besides Python, R and SQL are all data scientists expected to know?

What is the quality of the Cookoff contest on CodeChef?

Cookoff is a short contest of 3 hrs. Total 5 questions are there. Quality is good. There is no other particular than practising. You have to practice more and more. Now coming to the rankup on codechef you have to attend there monthly contests. But in order to solve those questions definitely you need a practice.

Is it possible to be a 5-star at CodeChef?

There are plenty of other topics and if you do regularly, you could yourself figure out, what is required. Well of course yes if you know how to solve problems involving above topics then there is no doubt that at that moment you are 5-star at codechef :). Does every 5/6/7* rated person on CodeChef or Codeforces get big tech companies?