Tips and tricks

How do you find the sum of odd and even numbers in C?

How do you find the sum of odd and even numbers in C?

The program output is also shown below.

  1. #include
  2. void main()
  3. {
  4. int i, num, odd_sum = 0, even_sum = 0;
  5. printf(“Enter the value of num\n”);
  6. scanf(“\%d”, #);
  7. for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)
  8. {

Can sum of even numbers be odd?

Sum of an even number and an odd number is always an odd number.

How do you find the Sum of odd numbers in an array in C?


  1. First, define an array with elements.
  2. Next, declare and initialize two variables to find sum as oddSum=0, evenSum=0.
  3. Then, use the “while loop” to take the elements one by one from the array.
  4. The “if statement” finds a number and then if the number is even, it is added to evenSum.
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What is the rule for adding odd and even numbers?

An even number can only be formed by the sum of either 2 odd numbers (odd + odd = even), or 2 even numbers (even + even = even). An odd number can only be formed by the sum of an odd and even number (odd + even = odd, or even + odd = odd).

What is even and odd_sum in C programming?

If the condition is True, then it is an Even number, and the C Programming compiler will add i value to Even_Sum. If the condition is False, then it is an Odd number, the compiler will add i value to Odd_Sum.

What is the sum of 100 integers in a for loop?

Enter a positive integer: 100 Sum = 5050. In both programs, the loop is iterated n number of times. And, in each iteration, the value of i is added to sum and i is incremented by 1. Though both programs are technically correct, it is better to use for loop in this case. It’s because the number of iteration is known.

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Is 3 an odd number in C?

Odd Number: An odd number is an integer that is not exactly divisible by 2. For Example: 3 \% 2 != 0. When we divide 3 by 2, it doesn’t give a reminder of 0. So number 3 is odd number. Video Tutorial: C Program To Find Sum of All Odd Numbers From 1 To N, using While loop

How to compute the sum of natural numbers from 1 to N?

To compute the sum of natural numbers from 1 to n (entered by the user), loops can be used. You will learn how to use for loop and while loop to solve this problem. The positive numbers 1, 2, 3… are known as natural numbers. The programs below takes a positive integer (let say n) as an input from the user and calculates the sum up to n.