Tips and tricks

How do you find area and circumference in Python?

How do you find area and circumference in Python?

Python Program to find Diameter Circumference and Area Of a…

  1. Diameter of a Circle = 2r = 2 * radius.
  2. Area of a circle is: A = πr² = π * radius * radius.
  3. Circumference of a Circle = 2πr = 2 * π * radius.

How do you calculate and print the circumference and area of a circle in Python?

Using the radius value, this Python formula to calculate the Circumference, Diameter, and Area Of a Circle, Diameter of a Circle = 2r = 2 * radius, Area of a circle are: A = πr² = π * radius * radius and Circumference of a Circle = 2πr = 2 * π * radius. Print result.

How do you code the area of a circle in Python?

The Python area of a circle is number of square units inside the circle. Standard formula to calculate the area of a circle is: A=πr².

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How do you write pi in python?


  1. import math print(‘The value of pi is: ‘, math.pi)
  2. The value of pi is: 3.141592653589793.
  3. import math print(math.degrees(math.pi/6))

How does Python calculate total marks?

Python: How to calculate total, average and percentage of marks of five subjects

  1. Read marks of five subjects in some variables say S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5.
  2. Apply the formula for finding sum i.e. total = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5.
  3. Apply the formula to find average using above total i.e. average = total / 5.

How do you find the radius in Python?

Method 3: Calculate the area of the given circle by using function

  1. import math.
  2. def area_of_the_circle (Radius):
  3. area = Radius** 2 * math.pi.
  4. return area.
  5. Radius = float (input (“Please enter the radius of the given circle: “))
  6. print (” The area of the given circle is: “, area_of_the_circle (Radius))

How do you make a circle in Python?

To draw a circle, we will use circle() method which takes radius as an argument. You must import turtle module in order to use it. Then, we have created a new drawing board and assigned it to an object t. It will draw a circle of radius 50units.

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How do you find the area of a circle in Python class?

Python Class: Exercise-11 with Solution

  1. Sample Solution:
  2. Python Code: class Circle(): def __init__(self, r): self.radius = r def area(self): return self.radius**2*3.14 def perimeter(self): return 2*self.radius*3.14 NewCircle = Circle(8) print(NewCircle.area()) print(NewCircle.perimeter())
  3. Pictorial Presentation:

How to write Python program to find area of circle?

The area of a circle is number of square units inside the circle. Standard formula to calculate the area of a circle is: A=πr². In this article we will show you, How to write python program to find area of circle using radius, circumstance and diameter.

How to find the radius of a circle using a function?

The radius of the circle should be given as an argument to the function and the equation to calculate the area is PI*r2 Remove the first line of your program. It is that line that tries to access the global name PI, which is not defined. However, the line is not needed at all here.

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What is math in Python?

Python has one inbuilt module called ‘math’ that provides access to different mathematical functions and constants like trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, hyperbolic functions etc. Constants like ‘pi’, ‘e’, ‘tau’, ‘inf’ and ‘nan’ are also defined inside this module.

How to square a number in a function in Python?

Your function itself is fine, apart from not quite calculating the right value. To square a number, use ** 2, not * 2. Last, but not least, the Python math module has a math.pi constant you can use here: Note that your function doesn’t use or need a myarea argument either.