Tips and tricks

How do you feel when filled with the Holy Spirit?

How do you feel when filled with the Holy Spirit?

In the utmost it is a joyous, loving, peaceful, glorious sensation that fills you with so completely that it feels as though you may die if any more is received. It makes you feel like melting into a puddle of happiness.

Do not condemn yourself by what you approve?

Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

What do you need to know about Satan?

Here are eight things you should know about Satan. 1. Satan Is God’s Opponent, Not God’s Opposite Sometimes people mistakenly believe that Satan is God’s evil equal. This is simply not true. Satan is not omnipresent, he can’t be present everywhere at the same time.

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Who is Satan and what are his motives?

Satan is that he is very singular in his motives. His first desire is to rob you of eternal life by keeping you from understanding the truth of the gospel. He does not want people to really know the truth of who Jesus is and turn to him for salvation.

Does Satan work in the art of deception?

Satan works in the art of deception. He works hard to get you to believe something that is not true. I heard someone say that one of his greatest deceptions is trying to convince people he doesn’t exist. When people believe something to be true they will often respond to that truth with their words and actions.

Is Satan God’s evil equal?

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that Satan is God’s evil equal. This is simply not true. Satan is not omnipresent, he can’t be present everywhere at the same time. When you are tempted, or attacked by Satan it may not be Satan himself, it is most likely one of his fallen angels or demons. Along with that, he is not omnipotent.