
How do you express the happiest moment?

How do you express the happiest moment?

Several moments’ like- parents praising us for good grades, getting a scholarship, winning basketball match, graduating successfully, getting the first job, getting the first salary, getting married, the birth of the first child. All such instances can say as the happiest moments in life.

When was the happiest moment of your life?

The top ten happiest life moments

  • Day of retirement (7.4 per cent)
  • Moving into a new home (6.7 per cent)
  • Seeing your child’s first steps (5.5 per cent)
  • Hearing your child’s first words (5.4 per cent)
  • Meeting the man or woman of your dreams (4.5 per cent)
  • First kiss with the man or woman of your dreams (4.4 per cent)
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What are happy moments?

1 feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased. 2 willing.

What are best moments?

The 20 Best Moments In Life (So Far)

  • Birth.
  • Officially being declared “potty-trained.” You won’t poop your pants every day for the rest of your life!
  • Receiving the Tickle-Me-Elmo/Easy Bake Oven/Lego set you were dying to get for your birthday.
  • The first school bus ride.

Is it most happy or most happiest?

Something is simply “unique” or the word should not be used. “Happiest” is a superlative form of the word “happy”: the sequence runs from simply “happy” to “happier” (more happy than some other instance of happiness) to “happiest” (the most happy).

How can I use happier?

Happier sentence example

  1. Can all that make me any happier or better?
  2. And I am sure there will not be a happier man than you.
  3. The unintelligent over-regulation of the French government could not maintain the colonies which had been founded in happier times.
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What are some words to describe happy?


  • delighted,
  • glad,
  • joyful,
  • joyous,
  • jubilant,
  • rejoicing,
  • tickled.
  • Why is it important to remember the happiest moment of life?

    There is a smile on our faces whenever we recall the happiest moment of our life. The memory of the happiest moment can also help us in relieving depression or sad moments of life. Our life is full of happy and sad moments. The happy moments helps us in getting relaxed from the sorrow of sad moments in our life.

    What is your happiest moment interview question?

    The question-‘ What is your happiest moment’ help interviewer gather the following information: Ability to handle the sudden confusing question – and to test how quick witted the person is. Ability to present the situation. Things that makes the candidate happy, and to know about his motivations. To know about candidate’s passion.

    What are some happy moments in Your Life?

    A person has several happy moments in life. When this question asked, many childhood memories come rushing to mind. Several moments’ like- parents praising us for good grades, getting a scholarship, winning basketball match, graduating successfully, getting the first job, getting the first salary, getting married, the birth of the first child.

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    What is the meaning of happyhappiness?

    Happiness is an emotion that makes us feel good and cherished. There are some moments in our life that provide us immense happiness. We wish that these moments would be long-lasting and never end. It is always noticed that sadness does not long forever and is always followed by happiness.