
How do you deal with the fear of death?

How do you deal with the fear of death?

The fear of death will crush down the current moments of life. Accept that you and you’re loved ones are going to die at one point anyway. You have two options: you can cry, you can be happy that you got the chance to experience life. Please don’t assume things that you don’t know.

What happens to our consciousness after we die?

Much DEEPER concepts than the Bible touches upon. Consciousness DOES continue after death… we ALL will hear & decide upon the Gospel message if we missed it while alive. NOTHING we have done earns our salvation. Out default position is eternal separation from God if we fail to accept what Jesus freely offers, based on His accomplishments only.

How do I know if I’m struggling to cope with everyday life?

You might be feeling tired more often, be feeling emotional, and you might not want to do the things that you usually enjoy right now. Struggling to cope with everyday life doesn’t look or feel the same in everyone. We can’t generalise about how it’ll make you feel or act. Samaritans are here to listen.

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What can I do if I’m worried about someone else?

If you’re worried about someone else, we can help too. Whatever you’re going through, call us free any time, from any phone, on 116 123. Maybe not if… Sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you better understand them. Maybe not if… Sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand them better.

What would happen if there was no sadness?

Without sadness, you wouldn’t know happiness just like the way you wouldn’t know sound if there was no silence, light if there was no darkness, fullness without emptiness, etc. Death is just part of life which you should learn to accept by ‘growing stronger’. Someday you know you’re going to greet it.

Do you assume there is something after death?

Please don’t assume things that you don’t know. In your question, you’re just assuming that there’s nothing after death. I’m not saying there is something or confirming that there is something beyond. Let’s accept the fact that we do not know. The ways are basically what you tell yourself to comfort and find solace. Don’t be afraid of death.