Tips and tricks

How do you deal with people who comment on your looks?

How do you deal with people who comment on your looks?

Try saying some of these phrases to yourself:

  1. “This comment is their problem, not mine”.
  2. “I value people who are friendly and kind.
  3. “I would never be unkind enough to say something like that to someone.
  4. “I am OK – I don’t need to judge myself based on this person’s unkind comment”.
  5. “There is more to me than how I look”.

Why do people make fun of other people’s looks?

Originally Answered: Why do some of the people make fun of others of what they look like or take advantage of patience? By laughing at others’ abnormalities, people try to boost their own self esteem. When a person laughs at someone’s inappropriate dress, they want to say “my dress is OK, I’m better than that guy”.

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How do you deal with bad comments on social media?

Strategies for handling negative social media comments

  1. Respond to the comment quickly.
  2. Be sincere and transparent.
  3. Give discounts when necessary.
  4. Interact directly with your customers.
  5. Make yourself available and visible.
  6. Keep things in perspective.
  7. Considerations for leaving a response to negative comments.

How do you deal with people who make fun of You?

You don’t deal with them, you ignore them.People who make fun of others all the time for no reason do lack a personality trait called “dignity”.You have to understand that, the one who is making fun of you all the time is indirectly bullying you.

Is it hurtful if someone makes fun of your look?

It can be really hurtful if someone makes fun of you for how you look! If you interact with people like this regularly, you might be wondering the best way to handle the situation. Being poked fun at constantly can not only hurt your feelings, but can damage your self esteem, as well.

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How do you deal with a funny guy on the phone?

It’s effective and easy to use for beginners just starting to find their voice against the “funny guy/girl”. Here’s the trick: Agree TOO MUCH with their stupid question or statement with a poker face. Don’t laugh with them, don’t smile, just give them your answer with a straight face.

Why do people make fun of people who are not perfect?

People just project their insecurities on others. When they see someone doing something in spite not being perfect, they feel jealous. Because they don’t have the guts to do it. They are losers and making fun of others is the only thing they can manage to do.