
How do you convince people to buy your art?

How do you convince people to buy your art?

How to Convince Someone to Buy Your Art (Without feeling slimy)

  1. Create graphics with them and put them on your art product pages.
  2. Use them as examples when you are asking for more testimonials.
  3. Post them on social media.
  4. Include them in email marketing.
  5. Use them to tackle objections.

How do I get people to recognize my art?

There are several concrete actions you can take to get your artwork seen by a broader audience online:

  1. 1) Be on several social media sites.
  2. 2) Post on a consistent basis.
  3. 3) Interact.
  4. 3) Curate what you post.
  5. 4) Shoot excellent photographs of your artwork.
  6. 5) Submit your work to other sites.
  7. 6) Do interviews.
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How much commission do artists get?


SKETCH $80 $15
BLACK & WHITE $200 $20
FULL COLOUR $300 $40
BUST $120 $12

What do you say when someone buys your art?

30 Ways to Say “Thank You” to Collectors Who Buy your Art

  1. Say “thank you” in person with a smile on your face and in your eyes.
  2. Say “thank you” on the telephone with a smile in your voice.
  3. Say “thank you” in writing with a warm message.
  4. Say “thank you” in a video with an artifact that connects you to each other.

How do I market my art on social media?

How to Make Time to Promote Your Art on Social Media

  1. Facebook.
  2. Twitter.
  3. And don’t forget about blogging or Instagram!
  4. Make a list.
  5. Connect your accounts whenever possible.
  6. Use a bulletin board.
  7. Educate yourself.

Does commissioned art cost more?

The more time it takes the artist to create the artwork, the more it will cost. Naturally, a portrait with 3 subjects will cost more than a portrait painting with 1 subject. As a general rule of thumb, expect to pay an addition 50\% per subject added.

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Why do people buy art from artists?

There are many reasons why people buy art from artists. Here are 7 of the top reasons: They can identify with the artwork. There is an emotional connection. These are discussed in detail below, along with some advice on where artists can place focus for promotional efforts.

How do I accept commission as an artist?

8 Tips for Artists Accepting Commissions 1 – Timing is key. Be responsive and follow up on your leads immediately. 2 – Don’t be shy to state your terms. 3 – Ask for a payment up front. 4 – Know exactly what you’re being asked to do. 5 – Cherish your good clients, and learn to manage difficult ones. 6 – Know your market.

What to do if someone buys your art but can’t pay?

If someone expresses the interest to buy one of your pieces, but can’t make a deposit or payment right away, take down their contact info and follow up with them by the end of the day/event. Most people who buy art don’t “need” it. It’s a luxury item that is often an impulse buy – they fall in love with the art and have to have it.

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How do you find buyers for emerging artists?

Emerging artists will not have buyers based on social status, unless it is a well known and respected art collector who is popular for “finding” unknown artists. Many buyers use art as a decoration for their house, and may be looking for something specific that matches their decor and furniture.