Tips and tricks

How do you convince parents to let you get a snake?

How do you convince parents to let you get a snake?

How to Convince Your Parents to Get a Snake

  1. 1) Know What You’re Talking About.
  2. 2) Talk About Why Snakes Make Better Pets.
  3. 3) Continue Sharing What You Learn.
  4. 4) Address Their Concerns.
  5. 5) Show Them That You’re Responsible.
  6. 6) Adopt a Friend’s Snake.
  7. 7) Be Open to Making a Compromise.

What do you do if your scared of snakes?

Treatment. The most common treatments for snake phobia are based on cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques. 4 You may be encouraged to talk about your fear and taught new messages to replace your fearful self-talk.

How can I make my snake happy?

Snakes need to be able to climb on branches and bask on rocks. These behaviors mimic life in the wild, so they are essential to keeping your snake happy and healthy. You can purchase climbing branches and basking rocks for your snake in most pet stores, or you can get rocks and branches from outside.

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How do I become less scared of snakes?

Some common treatment methods for ophidiophobia include:

  1. Exposure therapy. This form of talk therapy, also called systematic desensitization, is what it sounds like: You’re exposed to the thing you fear in a nonthreatening and safe environment.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy.
  3. Medication.

What do you call a fear of snakes?

Ophidiophobia is a kind of phobia where you have an extreme fear of snakes. It is perfectly normal for adults and children to have fears, but having a simple fear of snakes is different from having a phobia. ‌ Fear of snakes is very common.

What is a good pet snake for a kid?

5 Great Pet Snakes

  • Corn Snake.
  • California Kingsnake.
  • Rosy Boa.
  • Gopher Snake.
  • Ball Python.

How do you overcome a phobia of snakes?

If they do want to overcome it, or you’re trying to overcome your own ophidiophobia, then the best way to do that is de-sensitization. Expose yourself (or the person with the phobia) to snakes, gradually increasing the exposure. Start small and keep increasing exposure and you will become desensitized.

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How to convince your parents to let you have a snake?

Avoid pestering or getting impatient as a “yes, you can have a pet snake” from them may not come immediately. Making someone like snakes isn’t easy, but the following examples may change your parents’ minds: Snakes are low-maintenance especially when it comes to hygiene as they defecate once every two weeks and urinate once a week.

Are We born with a phobia of snakes?

Research has shown that about 5\% of the world population has developed ophidiophobia. The question then arises: if we are born with an inborn sensitivity towards snakes, why do some love keeping them as pets, while others have an intense fear at the mere thought of a nearby snake?

Are snakes good pets for kids?

Snakes, such as the ball python and corn snake, are docile and low-maintenance pets. However, parents shy away from letting their children have one as many moms and dads are afraid of snakes.