
How do you calculate network address?

How do you calculate network address?

Determine the number of bits used for subnetting.

  1. For subnet mask 255 is default, so it’ll not consider for subnet masking.
  2. From the previous step, you got IP address = and Sub-net mask =
  3. Total bits = Tb = 8.
  4. Number of bits used for subnetting = n.

What are the first and last IP addresses in each network?

The first Ip address of any subnet is used for the identification of the network. The devices use it to identify the network. Whereas the last IP address of a subnet if used for broadcast , if a device in the network wants to broadcast any message to all devices then it uses the last IP.

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What is the first address in a network?

routing prefix
The routing prefix may be expressed in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation written as the first address of a network, followed by a slash character (/), and ending with the bit-length of the prefix.

How do I find my first usable IP address?

As you may remember, the network portion of an address is represented by 1s in the subnet mask, while the 0s represent the host portion. We can use the following formula to calculate the total number of IP addresses within a subnet by the known the amount of host bits in the subnet mask.

How do I find my last usable IP address?

Add one address to the subnet address to find the first usable IP address. 2. Subtract one address from the broadcast address to find the last usable IP address. The following table shows all of the new possible subnets; the usable range of IP addresses for each subnet; and the broadcast address for each subnet.

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How do I find my first host address?

First Host Address: The first host address is always the subnet address with the last octet incremented by 1. So, in our class C example, subnet #3’s base address is 211.77. 20.96. The first host address in subnet #3 is thus 211.77.

What is the last address of this network?

I have network with a range 10.0. 0.0/24. This means I have 10.0. 0.0 to 10.0.

What is the last address in the network?

The last address, 255 in the case of a /24 network, is the broadcast address. Devices connected to the network use it to send a broadcast, a message intended for all devices on the network.

What are the first and last IP address reserved for?


Address block Address range Number of addresses– 256– 268435456 256– 268435455

How to find the first address of an IP address?

To find the First address, it will be AND operation Between the IP address and Net mask. First address also known as network Address . And it’s decimal number is – and it’s also known as a network address.

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How to find the network address and broadcast address for Classful addressing?

The broadcast will be You can easily find out the network address and the broadcast address for classful addressing because, in classful addressing, when all host bits are zero, it represents network address and when the host bits are one it represents the broadcast address. For Class A address: Network ID =

Is the network address the same for all hosts within networks?

The network address is the same for all the hosts within the same IP network. All the bits of the host portion in an IP address are set to zero to identify as the network address of any IP network.

What is the broadcast address of an IP address?

The IP packet with a broadcast address is sent to all the nodes across the network. All the bits of the host portion in an IP address is set to one to identify as the broadcast address. For example, IP address with subnet mask has the following broadcast address.