
How do you ask a girl how her day went?

How do you ask a girl how her day went?

35 Ways to Ask “How Was Your Day?”

  1. What is something you did today that you’d love to do every day?
  2. What do you know today that you didn’t know yesterday?
  3. Tell me something that made you laugh.
  4. Did anything make you feel frustrated?
  5. What was the best thing that happened?
  6. Did you find out anything interesting?

What to ask instead of how was your day?

Questions to Ask Instead of ‘How Was Your Day? ‘

  • What was the best part of your day?
  • Did anything surprise you today?
  • Did you read/listen to anything interesting today?
  • Did you take any photos today?
  • How can I make your day easier in five minutes?
  • What did you do that was just for you today?
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Is asking a girl how her day was good?

The sweetest texts are the simplest. Asking her how her day went, or reminding her that you’re thinking of her right now, is a romantic gesture all in itself. In fact, it’s these tiny gestures that are the bread-and-butter of most relationships.

Should I text her about her day?

Texting her every day shows the degree of your love and shows that you have her in mind. In such a case, seeing her texts every day should be the norm. When you text her every day, it sends an emotional message to someone you are dating, making her feel special.

How do you ask a girl how her day has been?

Simple say hi to her and ask her how her day has been. Example: Wassup Khloe how you doing how has your day been. And I’m guessing you like her since asking her this made u nervous enough to ask quora so when you ask her look at her deep in her eyes don’t look like a creep but don’t look nervous if you act confident you should be fine.

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What are some good follow up questions to ask a girl?

A follow up question might be, “What was the best thing that happened today?” or simply “Tell me about your day”. If she is comfortable and wants to share, you will get a more complete story. Simple say hi to her and ask her how her day has been. Example: Wassup Khloe how you doing how has your day been.

How do you ask someone how their day is going?

“Hey how is your day going?” Expect “fine” and nothing else in most cases. if you want a real conversation, do better. Ask a specific open-ended question. Depends on what you want to hear … “How was your day?” is a good start.

What do you say when a guy asks about your day?

As a women when a guy asks about my day I always say good. So if you really want to know about how her day has been ask what she did today. If you ask about that you will get a more honest answer. Basically, I would say to her “how has it been going” or “How was your day.” Although, I prefer using this as a conservation starter.