Tips and tricks

How do we change the direct speech to indirect?

How do we change the direct speech to indirect?

Rules to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:

  1. Remove all the inverted commas and quotation marks.
  2. Always end the sentence with a full stop.
  3. The tenses of the verbs inside the quotation marks and commas should be changed.

Which is the correct indirect OF He said I am reading?

ANSWER – He said that he was reading a BOOK.

How do you rewrite direct speech?

In order to punctuate direct speech, one needs to put a comma after the first verb in the sentence, followed by opening inverted commas. The end of the sentence should be punctuated according to the kind of sentence. Then the sentence should be followed by closing inverted commas.

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Why do we use indirect speech instead of being direct?

The use of indirect speech or reported speech in a writing, whether fiction or nonfiction, can help to make the pace of the action move smoothly unlike direct speech which has the tendency of slowing down the pace of the action. Another advantage of indirect speech is the absence of the fear of misquoting what someone else said.

What are rules for changing direct into indirect speech?

Use of conjunction ‘that’ before the indirect statement.

  • Pronoun changed from T to ‘he’.
  • Verb ‘am’ changed to ‘was’ ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Adverb ‘now’ changed to ‘then’.
  • What are the rules of direct speech?

    When do children learn about direct speech? Each new character’s speech starts on a new line. Speech is opened with speech marks. Each line of speech starts with a capital. The line of speech ends with a comma, exclamation mark or question mark. A reporting clause is used at the end ( said Jane, shouted Paul, replied Mum). A full stop goes after the reporting clause.

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    What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

    Direct: Today is nice,said George. Indirect: George said that day was nice.

  • Direct: He asked her,”How often do you work?” Indirect: He asked her how often she worked.
  • Direct: He works in a bank.
  • Direct I’m angry with you.
  • Direct: I can help you tomorrow.
  • Direct: I often have a big meat.
  • Direct: Dance with me!
  • Direct: Must I do the city?