Tips and tricks

How do truck drivers stay awake on the road?

How do truck drivers stay awake on the road?

Listening to audiobooks, podcasts, or music is a great way to pass the time while you drive. Listening to something while you drive can help you avoid boredom and in turn, help you stay awake longer! Entertainment options like these can serve as a great distraction when you need it most.

Do truck drivers suffer from depression?

Depression in truckers really exists in the trucking industry, although not widely known or discussed much. In America, 1.5\% of the population suffers from depression. In comparison, 13.6\% of truck drivers suffer from some level of depression, a drastic difference from the rest of the population.

What drugs do truck drivers take to stay awake?

When coffee and energy drinks aren’t enough to keep them awake, some drivers in the trucking industry have turned to the dangerous practice of taking illegal stimulants. Such stimulants include blackmarket psychoactive drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, Adderall, and Ritalin.

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Is being a truck driver exhausting?

George woke up in his cab one morning and didn’t feel like driving. “I was exhausted, so I just sat all day in the TA and drank coffee, played some video games. I told my dispatcher that I had been throwing up and couldn’t drive.

Is it difficult to drive a truck?

Many people don’t realize just how difficult truck driving is. Virtually everyone thinks they are a great driver. But driving a truck is much different than driving a Ford Explorer or even a U-Haul truck. Not to mention all of the bookwork and studying that needs to be done!

What do you dislike about truck drivers?

They feel as if truck driving is easy and they don’t need to put in much effort. They think anyone can be a truck driver. Overall, they are negative and generally don’t have anything positive to say. People like this show up in virtually every class. Steer clear of those people. They are typically the ones that have problems later on.

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Does everyone make it through truck driving school?

Fact is, not everyone makes it through truck driving school. Some people do fail (albeit a very small percentage). This blog post will discuss why people fail and how to avoid that happening to you. Many people don’t realize just how difficult truck driving is.

Is it bad to sit all day as a driver?

That a person, whether they be a truck driver or anyone else who sits all day, could possibly have more problems. The facts and the research however indicate that it is actually very stressful to the human body to sit for prolonged periods of time on a regular basis. WHAT ARE THE AFFECTS PROLONGED SITTING?