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How do most Americans feel about economic equality quizlet?

How do most Americans feel about economic equality quizlet?

1) Most Americans believe that everyone should be paid on the basis of their economic needs: “equality of results.” 2) Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get ahead: “equality of opportunity.”

Why local government is important?

Local government serves a two-fold purpose. The first purpose is the administrative purpose of supplying goods and services; the other purpose is to represent and involve citizens in determining specific local public needs and how these local needs can be met. The significance of local government will be addressed.

How does public opinion on the US compare with Europe?

Whereas, at the beginning of the century, European public opinion on the US used to be divided along the lines of Donald Rumsfeld’s ‘old’ and ‘new’ Europe, the current poll shows a great deal of convergence. Many differences between European societies remain, but the clear dividing lines have been blurred.

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How do Europeans feel about the United States?

Our survey showed that Europeans’ attitudes towards the United States have undergone a massive change. Majorities in key member states now think the US political system is broken, that China will be more powerful than the US within a decade, and that Europeans cannot rely on the US to defend them.

What is the difference between American and European values?

Americans are also especially likely to believe that an individual who works hard can find success: 73\% said hard work is very important for getting ahead in life compared to a European median of 35\%. 2 Americans tend to prioritize individual liberty, while Europeans tend to value the role of the state to ensure no one in society is in need.

What do Americans and Europeans have in common?

Americans and Europeans share many things: a commitment to fundamental democratic principles, a strategic alliance that has shaped the world order for more than half a century, and despite serious economic challenges in recent years, some of the highest living standards in the world. Still, there are notable differences across the Atlantic.