How do liberals feel about the economy?

How do liberals feel about the economy?

Economic liberals commonly adhere to a political and economic philosophy which advocates a restrained fiscal policy and the balancing of budgets, through measures such as low taxes, reduced government spending, and minimized government debt.

What economic theory do Republicans use?

To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism, and eliminating government run welfare programs in favor of private sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility. A leading economic theory advocated by modern Republicans is supply side economics.

What are the values of the Libertarian Party?

The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government.

What do libertarians believe about government waste?

Libertarians believe that a majority of federal programs serve little purpose and are a waste of financial resources. Most of us can remember when Al Gore was running for President back in 2000. To emphasize government waste, he mentioned that a toilet seat was purchased for $640.

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Why is the Libertarian Party growing?

The Libertarian party usually falls somewhere in the middle of the Democratic and Republican positions: Libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially liberal. On some issues, they lean a little bit to the right, and others they may favor the left. This might be why this party is growing.

What do libertarians think about the United Nations?

Libertarians hold the opinion that agencies like the UN can actually restrict our ability to protect ourselves, both in the US and abroad. They feel that our country should be able to act in its own best interest, without UN oversight.

What do libertarians think about same sex marriage?

Libertarians are fine with legalizing drugs, gambling and prostitution. On the same sex marriage subject they have no objections at all if homosexuals want to marry. Their position is that the government shouldn’t be involved at all in these decisions that should be left up to individuals.